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Global Radio axes all regional/local breakfast shows

(February 2019)

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dvboy posted:
It does mean we have the silly situation where we now have two stations on DAB with different names playing the exact same playlists but I suppose this has been the case on FM in various areas for years.

Like having Hallam & Viking FM virtually next to each other on the FM dial (only 0.5MHz apart) playing the exact same songs, just with different DJs and adverts. The most notable difference is in the late 90s/early 00s Viking used to do that strange thing lots of EMAP stations did of speeding songs up slightly, whereas Hallam didn't, which was incredibly obvious when tuning between the two.
Neil Jones Founding member
dvboy posted:
Good thing Birmingham's remaining but yeah, it's the end of an era for Heart.
Millions of job losses including Ed and Rachel who present the breakfast show here in my area. Such a shame...

It's been Ed and Gemma for two years.

Anyway, people who listen to Heart in the car on the way to work will still listen to Heart in the car on the way to work, regardless of who is presenting.

Indeed. Have to get information on every other traffic jam except the one you're stuck in, after all. Wink
Neil Jones Founding member
dvboy posted:
It does mean we have the silly situation where we now have two stations on DAB with different names playing the exact same playlists but I suppose this has been the case on FM in various areas for years.

Like having Hallam & Viking FM virtually next to each other on the FM dial (only 0.5MHz apart) playing the exact same songs, just with different DJs and adverts. The most notable difference is in the late 90s/early 00s Viking used to do that strange thing lots of EMAP stations did of speeding songs up slightly, whereas Hallam didn't, which was incredibly obvious when tuning between the two.

The old Atlantic 252 did the song speeding up thing as well, they always denied it but it was blatantly obvious it was happening. Some songs it was so significant it probably chopped the best part of half a minute off.
dvboy posted:
Jon posted:
There's plenty where I live (Hampshire), including Wave 105, The Breeze, Kennet Radio and Andover Radio.

Well there first two are Bauer so expect the same thing to happen to those two stations.

Bauer seem to be a bit more cautious with the rebranding so i would expect the names at least to stick around for a while. They've introduced Hits Radio in all but name to Free Radio and the other stations but held back on changing the name with the exception of Key 103 in Manchester. It does mean we have the silly situation where we now have two stations on DAB with different names playing the exact same playlists but I suppose this has been the case on FM in various areas for years.

dvboy posted:
Jon posted:
There's plenty where I live (Hampshire), including Wave 105, The Breeze, Kennet Radio and Andover Radio.

Well there first two are Bauer so expect the same thing to happen to those two stations.

Bauer seem to be a bit more cautious with the rebranding so i would expect the names at least to stick around for a while. They've introduced Hits Radio in all but name to Free Radio and the other stations but held back on changing the name with the exception of Key 103 in Manchester. It does mean we have the silly situation where we now have two stations on DAB with different names playing the exact same playlists but I suppose this has been the case on FM in various areas for years.

I wouldn’t expect Bauer to be cautious for much longer. The recent buying spree they’ve been on would have certainly been with a view as to the cost savings they could now make thanks to Ofcom’s deregulation.
itsrobert Founding member
BBC Local Radio is often piss poor though.

I often think of an Ashens video from a few years ago, where he was reviewing some miniture FM radios and telling us what he could hear and when he got to Radio Norfolk he said something like "bloody hell, it's an old man ranting about the state of the BBC toilets", and I've always felt that sums up the state of BBC local radio.

It's difficult to generalise though. Radio Merseyside is my local BBC station and I would say it's probably one of the better ones. Tony Snell and his team are very easy to listen to at breakfast, there's a popular phone-in hosted by Roger Phillips over lunchtime and the drivetime programme with Paul Salt is good too. It's very much rooted in Liverpool and the surrounding areas in terms of its humour, chat and coverage which is very much what I like. It doesn't sound anything at all like you're describing for Radio Norfolk.
Andrew Founding member
BBC Local Radio is often piss poor though.

I often think of an Ashens video from a few years ago, where he was reviewing some miniture FM radios and telling us what he could hear and when he got to Radio Norfolk he said something like "bloody hell, it's an old man ranting about the state of the BBC toilets", and I've always felt that sums up the state of BBC local radio.

It's difficult to generalise though. Radio Merseyside is my local BBC station and I would say it's probably one of the better ones. Tony Snell and his team are very easy to listen to at breakfast, there's a popular phone-in hosted by Roger Phillips over lunchtime and the drivetime programme with Paul Salt is good too. It's very much rooted in Liverpool and the surrounding areas in terms of its humour, chat and coverage which is very much what I like. It doesn't sound anything at all like you're describing for Radio Norfolk.

I do feel it isn’t confident in who it is aimed at

Daytimes seems to be aimed at someone who is about 80

Breakfast and Drive seem to flip flop every few years between a proper news based service lead by journalists to a dumbed down more accessible show led by presenters which just end up a wishy washy mess.

This is based on my local radio station and probably what I hear of BBC Radio Manchester as well.
DVB Cornwall
Another case of Ofcom bottling it. The whole structure of DAB licencing now needs to be reviewed. The so called local muxes now hosting pseudo national networks. Today was a grim one for UK Broadcasting.
Night Thoughts, Cando and Brekkie gave kudos
Jon posted:
Jon posted:
Well apart from the BBC there won’t be any left.

There's plenty where I live (Hampshire), including Wave 105, The Breeze, Kennet Radio and Andover Radio.

Well there first two are Bauer so expect the same thing to happen to those two stations.

The Breeze (in Hampshire) is actually now owned by Nation Broadcasting.

When Bauer acquired Celador radio, it had to sell the Breeze due to the overlap with Wave 105 which it already owned.

Bauer still own the other Breeze stations in other parts of the country.
London Lite Founding member
Jon posted:
There's plenty where I live (Hampshire), including Wave 105, The Breeze, Kennet Radio and Andover Radio.

Well there first two are Bauer so expect the same thing to happen to those two stations.

The Breeze (in Hampshire) is actually now owned by Nation Broadcasting.

In South Hampshire yes, Bauer own the north Hants licences in Basingstoke and Alton, the latter is currently allowed to network with the stations in the Portsmouth/Southampton cluster.
London Lite Founding member
To keep this tv related, ITV News Anglia reported on the closure of three Global owned Heart studios in Norwich, Cambridge and Chelmsford on the East edition.
Jon posted:
Well there first two are Bauer so expect the same thing to happen to those two stations.

The Breeze (in Hampshire) is actually now owned by Nation Broadcasting.

In South Hampshire yes, Bauer own the north Hants licences in Basingstoke and Alton, the latter is currently allowed to network with the stations in the Portsmouth/Southampton cluster.

As I pointed out in another place, the best thing Bauer could do is to convert the N Hampshire Breeze transmitters to be relays of the ( currently) excellent Wave 105
London Lite Founding member
I forgot they own The Breeze licence in Andover as well, which is also part of the N Hants cluster.

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