These days of course the only sign of anything "local" about independent commercial radio is news at the top of the hour, the adverts,
Which, by the way Global wants to count as 'local content'.
Commercial radio started to wither, the day the IBA ended, and a lighter touch regulation started with the Radio Aulthority.
I would argue the first sign of change was 30 years ago, and the abolition of needletime restrictions. Up until then stations had lots of airtime to fill and they couldn’t play unlimited ‘normal’ tracks. Stations like Capital and Beacon played ecclectic stuff, live recordings and imports not subject to NT. Suddenly overnight the stations could ( and did) pump out the Top 30 24/7.
We’ve actually been without original ILR for twice as long as we actually had it now !
These days of course the only sign of anything "local" about independent commercial radio is news at the top of the hour, the adverts,
Which, by the way Global wants to count as 'local content'.
Commercial radio started to wither, the day the IBA ended, and a lighter touch regulation started with the Radio Aulthority.
I would argue the first sign of change was 30 years ago, and the abolition of needletime restrictions. Up until then stations had lots of airtime to fill and they couldn’t play unlimited ‘normal’ tracks. Stations like Capital and Beacon played ecclectic stuff, live recordings and imports not subject to NT. Suddenly overnight the stations could ( and did) pump out the Top 30 24/7.
We’ve actually been without original ILR for twice as long as we actually had it now !