Really disappointed to hear this news today.
Well ITV have wanted rid of UTV branding/Julian/Gillian since October 2016 and it's felt like the UTV continuity airplane has been in a holding pattern since then with the whole pre-recording of Julian & Gillian instead of bring 'Live', and from today the plane has finally run out of fuel and come crashing down....
I still feel J & G are way better then most of today's announcers and do hope they are both heard over an ident somewhere else soon.
I feel ITV3 would be a really good fit for them both??
"But now on the ITV3 it's time for Classic Coronation Street
So we're never gonna hear a
"Hi there whatta bout ye"
or a
"But now on the UTV"
ever again....a very sad day in Northern Ireland broadcasting
So Gillians last announcement was at 6am on the 2nd April when she told us "Julian & I will be back with you as soon as possible".
As for Julian...when was his last ever UTV announcement? Any recording of it anywhere? I'm guessing 7pm the day before, as Gillian took over from 7:30pm till 6am on the 2nd April....actually come to think of it this last announcement was on a Thursday morning....Gillian and Julian would normally swap over on a Monday evening at 7:30pm then back to the other person on a Thursday at I'm guessing Julians last announcement would have been Monday 30th March at 7pm.
Gillian's last announcement: (Thank you to 'The Ident Gallery')
I really hope Julian's last announcement shows up somewhere.
Last edited by This Is Granada on 26 November 2020 5:57pm