BBC One's daytime schedule was introduced on October 27th, 1986, while a little earlier in the same month, BBC Two gained a full afternoon service outside of Daytime on Two. Channel 4's came sometime in 1987, and BBC Two was the last of the first four terrestrial channels to introduce a full daytime service outside of Daytime on Two on June 19th, 1989.
What was the reason it took so long for the BBC to introduce a full daytime service, especially for BBC Two, considering it was nearly three years after BBC One's was introduced?
Also, is it safe to say the ITV network was the first of the flagship stations to introduce a full daytime service, as their afternoon service was introduced on October 16th, 1972?
What was the reason it took so long for the BBC to introduce a full daytime service, especially for BBC Two, considering it was nearly three years after BBC One's was introduced?
Also, is it safe to say the ITV network was the first of the flagship stations to introduce a full daytime service, as their afternoon service was introduced on October 16th, 1972?
Last edited by ToasterMan on 5 December 2020 6:48pm - 5 times in total