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Comedy Central UK: New look for 2019

The channel has now adopted the recent brand refresh from the US channel, introduced there last year (January 2019)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
what posted:
That coloured DOG doesn’t look great. They need to either change the colour or tone it down.

If you're judging that based on my screencaps, it doesn't stay that way, it fades and becomes translucent but stays that yellow colour.

BTW I think I've noticed them erroneously still using the older, thinner 'CC' logo on one of the idents… not entirely sure though.

EDIT: Nevermind, just saw your post that you sent at the same time as this one!
I see their new colour, Summer Ale is gonna be seen a lot on the channels now.

I wonder if the board had to vote between "Summer Ale" or "Piss Yellow".
That new "Summer Ale" logo reminds me of RTL 5's old logo.

Have they finally moved the DOG into the corner now or is it still sitting out a fair bit?
what posted:
That coloured DOG doesn’t look great. They need to either change the colour or tone it down.

I think the colour's probably gonna stay since it's the channel's "hero colour"
Really dislike the rebrand, I initially disliked the CC logo introduced after the "towers" but grown to love it. The fonts used previously were perfect and really made the character of the channel IMO.

The new look and the big bold text coupled with the yellow DOG is quite hideous. Then again, Viacom are absolutely awful at rebrands / new looks when you look at the MTV portfolio of channels. The only thing they do get right is Nickelodeon.
Larry the Loafer
I put myself through watching MTV the other night when Jackass was on (and when Jackass is the most tolerable thing you can find on MTV that really says something) and thought the branding was quite reminiscent of the "whatthefu**ery" of the original MTV branding in the 80s. It wasn't quite as creative but it was still interesting... it's just a shame it doesn't remotely reflect the dire programming.
I put myself through watching MTV the other night when Jackass was on (and when Jackass is the most tolerable thing you can find on MTV that really says something) and thought the branding was quite reminiscent of the "whatthefu**ery" of the original MTV branding in the 80s. It wasn't quite as creative but it was still interesting... it's just a shame it doesn't remotely reflect the dire programming.

Apparently their current branding is part of a worldwide rebrand of MTV on the theme of "Mood Swing"

The channel now uses a range of colours, backgrounds and animations representing emotions teenagers face in their lives.
Like yellow is happiness, blue is sadness, pink is love, red is anger and I don't wanna tell you what magenta represents... Embarassed
Last edited by Shiruba98 on 9 January 2019 9:01pm
Have they finally moved the DOG into the corner now or is it still sitting out a fair bit?

Yep, it's properly 16:9 safe but they did that later in 2018.
Really dislike the rebrand, I initially disliked the CC logo introduced after the "towers" but grown to love it. The fonts used previously were perfect and really made the character of the channel IMO.

The new look and the big bold text coupled with the yellow DOG is quite hideous. Then again, Viacom are absolutely awful at rebrands / new looks when you look at the MTV portfolio of channels. The only thing they do get right is Nickelodeon.

I agree on this. The previous rebrand was perfect and stood out to me...

This rebrand is pretty much horrific and another thing to add to my list of things to shudder at.
A former member
I can't believe they're still using the same animations for idents albeit updated.

Just seen the space invaders ident in new yellow!
A former member
I can't believe they're still using the same animations for idents albeit updated.

Just seen the space invaders ident in new yellow!

I wonder if all the current "Programme" idents will be kept then, there a few that still manage to slip through the cracks.

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