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Cock up on News 24

(August 2003)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
russnet Founding member
A good cock up on News 24 this morning at 8.58am. As they were taking the LDN feed for their regional output, the picture suddenly switched to News 24 but at an angle of the female presenter with the monitor for her interviews to her right. Some woman behind the camera kept popping up so you just so her shoulders downwards going in and out of shot.

The audio feed was still from Breakfast and this happened for a good 30 seconds whilst the News 24 presenter was blissfully unaware. As News 24 went back on from 9am, the clock disappeared for about 5 minutes, there was me thinking that this ticker would appear but not yet.
Just before 7.30 this morning on Breakfast, Look East opted too early......we got a picture of the presenter Miriam Issimdar, and she knew she was on because she gave a thumbs up to the camera. We still got the audio of Breakfast though, it was Declan Curry at the time.
A former member
Teething trouble? They did relaunch the programme recently!

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