This years theme seems to be a loft look. With spray paint artwork on the walls and since it the 20th anniversary it has quotes and images of past house guests.
Overall... I cant believe Im saying this....but I lowkey like what they have done. There are some design elements becoming annoying. The mid-century modern furniture and those weird muted colours every year is tired. Enough. But in the realm of the BBUSA and never getting a completely rebuilt house, I do love the white painted brick loftwalls and the industrial elements. And I do love the 2 story "light windows" in the kitchen and living room. They finally removed the broken-down 15yr old light boxes that used to line the walls in kitchen and livingroom, hence the reason they added the light windows. I dont like the BBCAN rip-off elements with the paint spill element used from their COVID cancelled series 8. And the bedrooms arent too bad. I dont like the comic book bedroom. it doesnt go with the rest of the house at all. And its a pale imitation of the BBAN comic book bedroom.
Again the ceiling tiles are broken. I do like the big light sculpture on the living room wall withe star pattern. The bedrooms are dark as usual and they sill havent updated the lighting design. Everything looks flat. Then you get stupid design elements that are completely unnecessary. Like huge coloured rods on a shelf behind the built-in sofa. Why?! From what Ive seen of the hall to the bathroom and the bathroom itself. Thats were is starts to really go down hill. They covered the walls in stupid rubber ducks. That shows they have run out of ideas. Also the designer is starting to put a huge element over the refrigerator. Its been a martini glass, a gummy bear, this year surprise a spray can. Boring. We havent seen Julie's studio but this house isnt a complete disaster. But again for the 20th anniversary we deserve a completely rebuilt and redesigned house.
as you can see they refuse to update the lighting. (smdh)
Hallway to the bathroom and past the lounge. Again with crap spraypainted and glued to the walls.
The bathroom looks like crap. RUBBER FREAKING DUCKS!! More just stuck on the walls. UGH!!!
Bedroom 1 -camera room features pictures over 20ys of houseguests moments (tweets are flowing that on that lens mural a hidden door behind the bed...cant be because the comic bedroom on the otherside of the wall.)
Bedroom 2 - comic book room
Bedroom 3 -key room (is there a hidden room behind that padded headboard)
We now have livingroom pics. You can see the BBCAN8 paint spill running down the door entrance.
HOH Bedroom/bathroom- Its a bit dark. Lots of missed lighting opportunities. Bathroom is boring and dark. I do like the overall design. Its very different than anything they have had before. And thankfully its not absolutely jam packed with crap. Last years disastrous tent them was completely full of knickknacks and junk. Horrible. I Just hope this wont appear like a black hole like lasts years HOH bedroom.
Full House Tour
1st Floor Lounge is love themed. - Kinda of thrown together look. Nothing special.
Upstairs Bridge/Loft - Overlooking the Livingroom to the left and Kitchen to the right. They should have added another fake light window. Its very very very dark up there. But I can see one of those broken down lights they have installed above it.
This is stuff I find so irritating. They cant take these things down and replace them with some modern LED lighting panels?!?!! They have been there decades.
Last edited by Mouseboy33 on 3 August 2020 11:44pm - 14 times in total