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Big Brother Canada 8 - 2020

BBCAN 9 is coming back Arisa is an Exec Producer (February 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
[This thread will be updated with more pics as they come in]
In the same vein as the CBBUK version, Big Brother Canada for 2020 has created a sophisticated comic book theme. This has been teased with the promos that have aired. So now ahead of the March 4 launch they have released a few pictures of the house. Comparing the overall design to the BBUK ComicBook theme. This is quite subtle and IMO far more sophisticated application of theme. Its not super OTT and visual clutter. It will be interesting to the see the rest of the house especially the main atrium/livingroom

They even created a special Comic Eye.

Head of Household - (Supermans Lair)
Diaryroom Hallway
Dairy Room Chair -
Main Bathroom
Backyard/ Competition Arena
Hot Tub area
Partial view of the Kitchen
Last edited by Mouseboy33 on 13 July 2020 1:32pm - 7 times in total

8 days later

Well Big Brother Canada production/design team knocked it out of the park yet again this year.

Here is the tour with presenter Arisa Cox from ET Canada last night

The main doors to the house has become a signature of the house is this year is now a big comic book that opens. Also the ceiling was changed from the X-Bracing that has been used for the past few years. This year is a purple lighting sky with 2 large beams with lights on eitherside. The EYE over the dining room table has returned this year with a comic book stylized eye "watching" over the houseguests. The door to the ice cave HOH room resembles a torn comic book page. The house features its two bedrooms as per normal, they have a manga comic book design. One is black and white, one is full colour. But this year they somehow seem slightly larger, because instead of foot lockers and underbed storage, they were supplied actual dressers against the wall for their clothes. Typically they rooms become a mess because they have nowhere to put their belongings.

The have not room was revealed and it appears to be a swamp. Its hard to see where the sleeping surfaces are. Apparently there is water in the room. Doubtful it will always have that fake smoke in there. (LOL)
The HOH bathroom is slightly reconfigured. They swapped the sink and bathtub around.

The kitchen was reconfigured. Its completely red comics and instead of the typical round designed they have retained for the last few years, they created an l-shaped counter.

the main design element of the livingroom is the paint drips that pour thru the main doors across the floor and down the balcony and then turns into colourful 3D drops that pour down the wall. The Nomination room is called The Chamber this year. It features 3D printed heads of the houseguest on pedestals. Its not exactly sure how the HOH will lock in their nominations, but there seems to be slots around the base of each statue. But I love how they change this up every year.

Additonally the door that led to the secret storage room seems to still be there. If its just retained as an extra door to and from the backyard or if their is another room in their remains to be seen. They didnt show the backyard or the hot tub space on the preview yesterday.

Big Brother Canada doesnt get it perfect ever year. But the sheer amount of creative talent is amazing. They reposition the show with an all encompassing theme every year. We havent see the studio space yet. But likely it will feature the comic-stylized cityscape.

Looking on twitter during the preview show on Sunday night. The overall consensus is that its well liked designed. Most of the hate was directed and Big Brother US. (Those bad designs speak for themselves)

Big Brother Canada announced a vote to decide who would be safe. The players with the least votes would be in immediate danger. We now know the four players with the least amount of votes. They are Christopher “Chris” Wyllie, Nico Vera, Minh-Ly Nguyen-Cao, and Susanne Fuda.

These four contestants then compete in a series of physical, mental, and social challenges to win safety. The first night premiere episode ends with a challenge that has the four contestants in danger hanging off a car, trying not to fall. The winner of this comp wins safety, and the other three losers go on to compete in a mental competition. The two that lose the mental competition face eviction by going on the block. They then need to use their social skills to prevent their eviction.
Last edited by Mouseboy33 on 2 March 2020 5:17pm
The cold opening to the show was brilliant and fit nicely with their comic book theme this year. Im liking what im seeing so far.

Usually a fan of the running theme but got tired of the comic book graphics very quickly with the premiere. Set, house and cast seem as great as ever though.
And looking at the live feeds last night after the premiere ended, they are already going at it. So it seems like it might be a great season to watch. After the dumpster fire of BBUSA 21, please BBCAN8 bring it!!!! Apparently people are going nuts how great SurvivorAU was and how fantastic SurvivorUS is this season. Cant wait until BBAU starts. [Grabs popcorn and cup of tea.] Goodbye family see you lot in few months. [Turns on BBCAN live feeds]
If you can't keep up with the feeds. RHAP provide LIVE (4pm UK/11am US) daily livefeed updates with the very through live feeders hosted by Taran Armstrong. And then after each live show they do a recap episode. And then they do a weekly roundtable. Good way to keep up with everything happening in the house.

The BBCAN Nomination room, known as the Chamber this year doesnt fail to impress. While BBUSA features a small cheap box and 2 flimsy cardboard keys.

Looks good but proved pointless - the HoH basically left the room and announced the noms with little fanfare compared to previous efforts.

Did mention this in the other thread largely in relation to the European editions but wonder if Coronavirus will affect the show at all. The Italian version has ditched the audience for live shows (if you think the BBCAN set is great, take a look at the Grande Fratello live set), and banned anymore housemates from entering, though no word yet on if they'll pause evictions for the lockdown period.
Looks good but proved pointless - the HoH basically left the room and announced the noms with little fanfare compared to previous efforts.

Did mention this in the other thread largely in relation to the European editions but wonder if Coronavirus will affect the show at all. The Italian version has ditched the audience for live shows (if you think the BBCAN set is great, take a look at the Grande Fratello live set), and banned anymore housemates from entering, though no word yet on if they'll pause evictions for the lockdown period.

Yeah i agree about the HOH having no interaction with the Nomination room was odd. As in years past they had to perform something. I was thinking maybe they were going to put something around the podium of the person they were nominating. So it kinda seemed anti-climactic. Odd for BBCAN. I does look cool. I do like how it looks dramatic when the noms are going to happen. The house turning completely red. (Didnt BBUK the house get dark or something?)

I havent seen the Italian version. I think the current audience studio they use the Eye and long runway leading from it. Dividing the audience in half. If so, it is cool. BBCAN's is fairly decent. I guess my comparision will always be BBUSA. They used to change it every year with the theme. Those days are well and truly over. The show is on auto-pilot now. I wonder what they they will do.

I havent heard anything. They should be taping in a few hours and i havent heard anything online if the audience were told not to come to the studio.....we shall see.
Last edited by Mouseboy33 on 11 March 2020 12:12pm - 2 times in total
Thought it was somewhat relevant in this thread...

Housemates from Big Brother Brazil and Big Brother Germany have recently been made aware of the COVID-19 pandemic, as they have been in media lockdown for the past few weeks:

Filming for the new fully pre-recorded Big Brother Australia has gotten underway, with housemates also being made aware.
Big Brother Canada 8 contestants learn about COVID-19 pandemic will be air on tonights episode as well as the shocking expulsion of one houseguest

richard h and Brekkie gave kudos
The Greece and Portugal Big Brothers have been postponed.
While Italy's and India's are getting cut short.

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