BBC One’s current branding is - in fact last two or three branding iterations are - useless.
So what if they went down the ITV route and brand their main TV channel just BBC?
It would no doubt still be referred to BBC One verbally - just as BBC News gains a “channel” which isn’t in the branding, but on screen just those three famous blocks.
What would go behind them, no idea, but the blocks would be front and centre and be the main thing, rather than the slightly limp BBC ONE and BBC one of recent years.
Just a thought anyway. What does everyone else think?
So what if they went down the ITV route and brand their main TV channel just BBC?
It would no doubt still be referred to BBC One verbally - just as BBC News gains a “channel” which isn’t in the branding, but on screen just those three famous blocks.
What would go behind them, no idea, but the blocks would be front and centre and be the main thing, rather than the slightly limp BBC ONE and BBC one of recent years.
Just a thought anyway. What does everyone else think?