TV Home Forum

BBC Newsline

(November 2001)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Does Newsline now look something like this?

The arrangement of     [ B ][ B ][ C ]
                              N E W S L I N E

is not unlike     [ B ][ B ][ C ]
                      L      D      N

So maybe this kind of idea will be spread across more regions(?) That would would mean everything is still generic, but quite what that means will have changed.

Just a thought.

(Edited by StandUpAndBeSeated at 3:44 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)
Does Newsline now look something like this?

(Edited by StandUpAndBeSeated at 3:44 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)

Yes, it does look like that.
This what it looks like ....
Bloody hell, them colours!
Now I really can see the resemblance...not!

I think the map of Northern Ireland is upside down on the first bright pic!
Without meaning to be rude...but it has already been pointed out that TV Room has a selection of images covering the new look. Quite why someone is pondering what it looks like - within the same thread - is quite bewildering.

TV Room - and other sites like it - exist for the benefit of people like yourselves. It is utterly disheartening to read through pages and pages of queries which could easily be answered through reference to one of the main sites...such as TV Room, MHP or TV Home and others.

Incidentally, the image shown in the previous response is taken from TV Room, which Sir it would have been quite decent of you to acknowledge.

Apologies if I appear quite **** ed off...but, I am. Sites like these require a tremendous amount of time, effort, attention and dedication...not to mention financial aid.

Oh and before anyone jumps in to suggest, the site is not an extension of an ego.
Isonstine Founding member
I appreciate your site Mike. I know how much hard work you have put into it and it really has become a little goldmine. I must admit, along with TV Home you are the quickest for getting images up. I think that shows the kind of work you do to keep the site going.

I can't speak for others, but I certainly think its a very hard task to keep a site of the size it is ticking over, and I say well done! Keep up the good work Mike.
Opps !!

Sorry Mike, I thought everyone here would know about The TV Room and it didn't really require a mention :S

I'll know for next time Smile

BTW I love The TV Room !! It is fantastic. Can you update the ITV1 section, most of the idents are now out of date

I to couldn't understand why someone has posted a 'impressionist' picture of the logo ???? Which is why I posted a copy of your image.
BillyH Founding member
Now,The TV Room is one of my all time favorite sites,but it adds to the number of sites that 'Ooh I can supply him with new images,but I have no TV Card'! I should get one,and fast!

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