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Anthony Wilson

Has he left Granada Reports? (August 2003)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
DJ Dave
i don't know if it has always been like this but there is a URL so maybe they are brining the old name back? (Hope not Crying or Very sad )
DJ Dave
Ann said today on Granada Reports that there is a new look from monday.
Andrew Founding member
Not exactly the same build up to a new look you get on Midlands Today is it!
DJ Dave posted:
Ann said today on Granada Reports that there is a new look from monday.

Yup, you could easily tell that as Ann was coming from the CGI studio with a different background, so it's obvious that they are doing work in the current studio. Plus the end titles were weird if anyone saw them, as it just went from Ann, to video (I think) of Ann at the desk at the end of another bulletin from sometime ago, though she had the same clothes on, we saw another presenter on the side of the desk, and tonight there was no sports presenter in the studio, it was Mike Hall on location. Crap way to end the look IMO, why couldn't have they been honest like Midlands Today? But there have been no trailers or anything mentioning the new look or new presenter, but I will certainately be tuning in at 6pm Monday.
Mark Boulton
I notice some rather significant new changes to Granada's websites.

First of all, Granada TV's website carries a purple "Advertise on Granada TV" banner rather than the dual ITV Colour/Franchise logo. Instead the banner is in corporate Granada purple with no clear rendition of the franchise logo.

HOWEVER - there is a link which used to point to the corporate GR/N/D/ website but now points to a new one, - Which is separate to

It's interesting that on two counts GMG's TV websites are doing down the corporate purple scheme (except on the advertising header) and also on their "national" site, which uses the "Granada Enterprises" logotype as its primary branding as opposed to the GR/N/D/ veridian.

BTW I bought a DVD of Please Sir! (Best of ,Vol. 1) and was very disappointed to find that all the original front AND endcaps had been removed. Only one, 1989 style, endcap (without the 'for ITV') is at the end of the final episode for an extended period (so extended, you hear the Floor Manager beginning to speak to the Director/Audience(?) at the end of the fade out).

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