63 Up
Latest in the Michael Apted documentary series
This is a long but wonderful piece of writing about 63 Up.
A wider reach
If Cable TV was more widespread from the 1970's
So for example: ITV-Yorkshire Television-South Yorkshire. That would have been the obvious way forward.
HD remastering 4:3 programmes
Split from ITV Programming Thread
I believe some elements of the Talons of Weng Chiang were shot on OB VT too.
TV-related buildings in other media
Broadcasting House appears in new Watch Dogs Legion game
The image at the top of this article on The Onion looks like a very familiar location...
Late night ITV changes
Jackpot 247 axed, replaced by repeats
Looks like Ideal World on ITV in HD may be happening soon as the main channel is set to test on DSAT shortly.