Old Regional Names back in use on ITV 123 By From Norwich 30 replies 7,463 views ST 1 Oct - 11 Octsteveboswell
Sky's 17.9% of ITV "restricts competition". Competition Commission provisional ruling. By DJGM 8 replies 1,287 views MI 2 OctMich
Jericho Does ITV not known when it has a good thing? By Mat Parker 116 3 replies 774 views MI 4 OctMichael
The Peter Serafinowicz Show Thursdays are apparently funny 1234 By Charlie Wells 39 replies 6,728 views RO 4 Oct - 16 Octrob
ITV Discussion Thread Christmas Pres launched (Page 411) I figured this wasn't rebrand-related, but can somebody tell me why ITV never manage a smooth cut on HD? Every time they switch to Granada, it seems to jump back a second or two, and then whatever trailer is on for Granada Reports, Tony Morris is often cut off mid sentence. 1234...421422423 By pad 5,064 replies 1320k views LL 6 Oct - 14 Jan 2013Larry the Loafer