The Newsroom

The new NEW Central West and BBC Midlands thread

(January 2013)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Mike W
As the old one was last posted in nearly a year ago, started a new one!

Ahead of their rebrand on Monday 'Central News' are in the newsroom at Gas Street, and have rebranded their twitter page 'itvNEWS Central'

Sorry about the quality of this 'camera in front of telly' cap - don't have capture facilities at present!
Last edited by Mike W on 12 July 2017 8:47pm - 3 times in total
Mike W
Wow looks like wasted space otherwise, is this part of the newsroom or a reception area?
Mike W
Wow looks like wasted space otherwise, is this part of the newsroom or a reception area?

Reception of Central Court, 22 Gas Street. It's not wasted, usually a lot of furniture in it!

EDIT: Overlooked some changes at Midlands Today, now a 'TOP STORY' and 'COMING UP' aston used during the recap/other news, as well as a time check! "It's now approaching quarter to 7, you're with Midlands Today from the BBC, our top story.... and still to come tonight...."
Last edited by Mike W on 11 January 2013 9:43pm
Any caps from the 6:00pm programme last night?
Steve in Pudsey
Seems strange that they couldn't have kept the usual look during the studio refit - didn't Central have several studios for the West/East/South split editions which no longer exist? Have those been stripped out now?
Mike W
Seems strange that they couldn't have kept the usual look during the studio refit - didn't Central have several studios for the West/East/South split editions which no longer exist? Have those been stripped out now?

Studio 'A' (Studio West as was) had the best bits from Studio 'B' (Studio East as was) and B was stripped of its set!
Steve in Pudsey
Is B used for anything now? Could they have built the new set in there or was the gallery stripped out too?
Mike W
Is B used for anything now? Could they have built the new set in there or was the gallery stripped out too?

Gets hired out by 22GasStreet's owners as a production space, one imagines they'd have to fork out for that?
And why would they swap when like the other regions they've only had to relocate for three days (so just one 6pm bulletin) to get it done. It's not been that much of an inconvenience and has barely attracted any comment from non-press geek viewers.
Mike W
And why would they swap when like the other regions they've only had to relocate for three days (so just one 6pm bulletin) to get it done. It's not been that much of an inconvenience and has barely attracted any comment from non-press geek viewers.

You seen their facebook feed?! It's attracted a lot of comment, mostly viewers saying how nice the new studio looked lol Very Happy
So much for a new set:

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