The Newsroom

ITV London Tonight

(December 2003)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
London Lite Founding member
It looks like Charlene White has the Friday 6pm gig now Ben's left as Lucrezia does her entertainment feature on a Friday.
It looks like Charlene White has the Friday 6pm gig now Ben's left as Lucrezia does her entertainment feature on a Friday.

I imagine it will be mostly Charlene, if not Faye. If and when Alexandra returns a potential gap for her? With Charlene doing more bulletins I imagine this may cause some commotion for the daybreak late bulletin rotas.
London Lite Founding member
It looks like Charlene White has the Friday 6pm gig now Ben's left as Lucrezia does her entertainment feature on a Friday.

I imagine it will be mostly Charlene, if not Faye. If and when Alexandra returns a potential gap for her? With Charlene doing more bulletins I imagine this may cause some commotion for the daybreak late bulletin rotas.

So much for the cost savings when freelancers seem to be used as much as ever on the overnight shift. I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.
It looks like Charlene White has the Friday 6pm gig now Ben's left as Lucrezia does her entertainment feature on a Friday.

I imagine it will be mostly Charlene, if not Faye. If and when Alexandra returns a potential gap for her? With Charlene doing more bulletins I imagine this may cause some commotion for the daybreak late bulletin rotas.

So much for the cost savings when freelancers seem to be used as much as ever on the overnight shift. I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

I don't see why they don't get a third person to do the 5:30 news as both McTavish & Sangeeta Kandola have done a lot of shifts this year as has Ali Douglas. And then Sacha, Brigid, Sharon Thomas etc. have done a few as well. I imagine that the person who does LT on the weekend will do the Friday bulletin before (so usually either Charlene or Faye). Unless as you mention this is a role to be filled by Alexandra Hill when she returns?
Another day of guess who on London Tonight, Amanda Piper from Meridan doing the weather, I'm also assuming Richard Pallot presenting. Now all we've got to see is who is reporting.
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once

Excel is correct. Tue-Fri 5:30am (Technically starting late Mon-Thu night) are supposed to be Faye or Charlene. So then Mon-Thu London late news is done by either Faye or Charlene if need be as I know other sometimes do Thu but Fridays late is not usually done by the overnight presenter.

Sat-Mon 5:30am can be any of the freelancers- most often Rachel these days but also Sangeeta has just started presenting again and also Ali used to be fairly regular. Still though, the presenters are much more frequent than pre-2009.
The SNT Three
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once

Excel is correct. Tue-Fri 5:30am (Technically starting late Mon-Thu night) are supposed to be Faye or Charlene. So then Mon-Thu London late news is done by either Faye or Charlene if need be as I know other sometimes do Thu but Fridays late is not usually done by the overnight presenter.

Sat-Mon 5:30am can be any of the freelancers- most often Rachel these days but also Sangeeta has just started presenting again and also Ali used to be fairly regular. Still though, the presenters are much more frequent than pre-2009.

Don't we have a thread for this?
London Lite Founding member
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once

Excel is correct. Tue-Fri 5:30am (Technically starting late Mon-Thu night) are supposed to be Faye or Charlene. So then Mon-Thu London late news is done by either Faye or Charlene if need be as I know other sometimes do Thu but Fridays late is not usually done by the overnight presenter.

Sat-Mon 5:30am can be any of the freelancers- most often Rachel these days but also Sangeeta has just started presenting again and also Ali used to be fairly regular. Still though, the presenters are much more frequent than pre-2009.

Don't we have a thread for this?

Yes, but still on topic for LT where inconsistent presenter line-ups are still regular despite Faye working just about a full week's worth of nights.
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once

Excel is correct. Tue-Fri 5:30am (Technically starting late Mon-Thu night) are supposed to be Faye or Charlene. So then Mon-Thu London late news is done by either Faye or Charlene if need be as I know other sometimes do Thu but Fridays late is not usually done by the overnight presenter.

Sat-Mon 5:30am can be any of the freelancers- most often Rachel these days but also Sangeeta has just started presenting again and also Ali used to be fairly regular. Still though, the presenters are much more frequent than pre-2009.

Don't we have a thread for this?

Don't get why some members always feel they have to discourage others when a mention of a presenter is brought up. So what if rotas are brought up? I'd rather have that then have no discussion at all.
London Lite Founding member
I think this week during Faye's week we've had Sascha Williams, Jackie Kabler and I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel McTavish makes another trip down as well.

Faye did 3 out of the 4 overnights she was 'meant to do' (based on the Sat/Sun daytime, Mon-Thu night pattern) this week. The only one she 'missed' was Monday night due to some ITV event about future plans she tweeted she attended on Monday. Sascha Williams did Sunday night which Faye never does anyway now

On the other hand last week, Charlene only did the overnights once

Excel is correct. Tue-Fri 5:30am (Technically starting late Mon-Thu night) are supposed to be Faye or Charlene. So then Mon-Thu London late news is done by either Faye or Charlene if need be as I know other sometimes do Thu but Fridays late is not usually done by the overnight presenter.

Sat-Mon 5:30am can be any of the freelancers- most often Rachel these days but also Sangeeta has just started presenting again and also Ali used to be fairly regular. Still though, the presenters are much more frequent than pre-2009.

Don't we have a thread for this?

Don't get why some members always feel they have to discourage others when a mention of a presenter is brought up. So what if rotas are brought up? I'd rather have that then have no discussion at all.

Considering the recent cuts to LT, any mention of presenters not normally on, such as Pallot or Millarini or the Meridian weather cover is relevant t in that context.
Gavin Scott Founding member
So what if rotas are brought up? I'd rather have that then have no discussion at all.

I think its that rather cavalier "so what?" attitude that makes the members who don't want to wade though rota chatter so frustrated.

What you personally prefer is really neither here nor there when a rule was set so as not to annoy the majority - but at least we can now understand why it doesn't work.

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