The Newsroom

Mark Hobson arrest - Sky news

(July 2004)

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Sky did get it first, but in their haste to get eyewitness reports on the phone they kept having people on live saying that they "caught the murderer ". So libel city for Sky. The BBC in the clear.

It was fun watching both, though.
fusionlad Founding member
Bigted posted:
Sky did get it first, but in their haste to get eyewitness reports on the phone they kept having people on live saying that they "caught the murderer ". So libel city for Sky. The BBC in the clear.

Well that's total rubbish. It wasn't Sky who were saying he was the murderer, but the eye witnesess.
Last edited by fusionlad on 27 July 2004 5:53pm
Sorry, but it isn't rubbish. Sky broadcast it. You may have noticed that any reference to "murderer" was, quite rightly, edited out in subsequent broadcasts.
This from Media Guardian...

No news isn't always good news
After trumpeting the recent success of Sky News in beating BBC News 24 to the arrest of quadruple murder suspect Mark Hobson, Monkey feels compelled to draw the attention of its readers to a reversal of fortunes last night. While News 24 was rolling with reaction to Mark Palios's trickily timed resignation last night - dragging sports minister Richard Caborn and players' union chief Gordon Taylor swiftly to the telephone - Sky News seemed remarkably somnolent on the whole affair, making do with its in-house sports reporter to read out the wires - at least in the early stages of the story. Perhaps as a result, Sky's audiences slumped from 34,000 at 8pm, before the story broke, to 13,000 at 9pm. News 24 meanwhile extended its lead, from 46,000 at 8pm to 58,000 at 9pm. Viewers of the ITV News Channel might have been forgiven for thinking the turmoil at the FA was all Israel's fault - at 9pm it switched to its scheduled John Pilger documentary, resulting in its audience soaring from 1,000 at 8pm to a 9,000 at 9pm. Which, Monkey notes, is almost statistically significant.
Another textbook example of how to break news tonight on BBC News 24.
News 24 flashed that 13 men had been held under the terrorism act at 9.32pm. Sky News followed three minutes later.

News 24's Home Affairs Correspondent was immediately on set with further details. Sky could only managed Martin Brunt on the phone.

BBC News 24 then showed footage of the scene in Luton and Blackburn where some of the arrests had taken place.
Sky could only manage a map.
By this stage News 24 had a ticker tape running on screen with more updates.

BBC News 24 then ran witness footage detailing what they'd saw when some of the men were arrested in Blackburn.
Sky battled on with Martin Brunt on the telephone.

News 24 then ran a report on the arrests by their Security Correspondent with more footage and more witnesses detailing what they saw.
Martin Brunt battled on on the phone.

News 24 then had St Andrew's terror expert Paul Wilkinson on the phone - by this stage Sky had Jonathan Samuels repeating what Martin Brunt had said. And the map.

Hobson schmobson
Last edited by timmy on 3 August 2004 11:34pm
Sky News broke the story just after 9.30pm
A former member
johnnielarkin posted:
Sky News broke the story just after 9.30pm

And News 24 did break it before 9.30pm. How can I be certain? I was watching and had a quick flick round the other news channels to see whether they'd picked up on it. Sky did just after 9.30pm but were in the middle of an interview at the time so could only manage to stick the banner on screen. As for ITV News.... who knows. I gave up after about 10 minutes!
After the Palios win BBC News 24 again thumped Sky News.
I have to admit that I am beginning to feel slightly sorry for ITV News Channel.
Does anybody actually watch it?
Marcus Founding member
fusionlad posted:
Bigted posted:
Sky did get it first, but in their haste to get eyewitness reports on the phone they kept having people on live saying that they "caught the murderer ". So libel city for Sky. The BBC in the clear.

Well that's total rubbish. It wasn't Sky who were saying he was the murderer, but the eye witnesses.

But Sky broadcast it. They should have apologized and clarified that the person involved had not been charged let alone convicted of anything. They would be the ones to be fined for not doing that. And it would be contempt of court they were guilty off, which could mean the editor being carted off to Prison
NickyS Founding member
JimR posted:
johnnielarkin posted:
Sky News broke the story just after 9.30pm

And News 24 did break it before 9.30pm. How can I be certain? I was watching and had a quick flick round the other news channels to see whether they'd picked up on it. Sky did just after 9.30pm but were in the middle of an interview at the time so could only manage to stick the banner on screen. As for ITV News.... who knows. I gave up after about 10 minutes!

Surprised about Sky (was stuck in traffic at the time) but I know that there were rumours about the operation earlier in the day (hence I assume why N24 etc had pics etc) but the police didn't confirm it all until 2130. Assume that's because they may have still had raids to do and didn't want the media blowing it all. For Sky to only have a phono is strange.

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