The Newsroom

ITV News: Rotas & Presenters

(July 2010)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Once again Alistair is shown to be a true professional.

I find it hard to believe that people are criticising the mother who was being interviewed. Would the mother walking across the studio attempting to get her daughter to sit down (blocking all the camera shots in the process) really have improved the situation?
bkman1990, Nicky and London Lite gave kudos
WW Update
Not only are you not the intended audience, but the bulletin was also more informative than your average US news programme.

I'm not sure I understand the relevance of the part in bold, since no one in this thread even mentioned U.S. news programming (or the overall quality of the ITV broadcast).

Once again Alistair is shown to be a true professional.

I find it hard to believe that people are criticising the mother who was being interviewed. Would the mother walking across the studio attempting to get her daughter to sit down (blocking all the camera shots in the process) really have improved the situation?

The question is whether inviting small children on a news program is a good idea in the first place. Granted, the segment wouldn't have gone viral otherwise, but from a journalistic standpoint, did putting the toddlers on the air really add anything to the story?
Last edited by WW Update on 24 August 2017 11:15pm
London Lite Founding member
Who was the male presenter on the London bulletin this evening at six? No introduction at all.
Ben Shatliff
Who was the male presenter on the London bulletin this evening at six? No introduction at all.

Gerraint Vincent.
Who was the male presenter on the London bulletin this evening at six? No introduction at all.

Gerraint Vincent.

Now there's a blast from the past.
Ben Shatliff
Who was the male presenter on the London bulletin this evening at six? No introduction at all.

Gerraint Vincent.

Now there's a blast from the past.

I had to look twice to confirm it was him.
Andrew Founding member
Rageh Omar with the ITV Evening News tonight
He has improved so much over the last year or so - a real asset to ITV News now though they could do with making more use of him in the field. Careful what you wish for though as suspect he'd be chief Nuclear War correspondent.

87 days later

London Lite Founding member
It appears once again that the Sunday evening network presenter is presenting London bulletins instead of the daytime shift. I think they did this last year in the run up to Christmas?
A former member
Just to say Alastair Stewart is in today metro for 60 second interview.

16 days later

London Lite Founding member
Charlene White back from maternity on the Evening News.
Ben Shatliff and Towielad gave kudos
Charlene White back from maternity on the Evening News.

Only a flying visit.

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