The Newsroom

Favourite News Themes

(February 2018)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive

Here's my all-time favourite. Wish I knew who wrote it - and, more to the point - whose copyright it is!!!

Ten Eyewitness News, 1989

I know it's been a while since this thread was active, but can I just say, that theme is amazing. Very of its time, but very punchy and perfect for a channel like Ten, IMO.
My original recording of the theme was from here. As a kid, I just started rolling in time and, yes, I included the ident which was recorded separately.

Also my recording, the theme sounds awesome here. The whole package at Ten Sydney in 89 was beautiful:

TEN Brisbane New Year's Eve
Last edited by fox1 on 19 August 2018 1:49am - 2 times in total

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