The Newsroom

Coronavirus | Television News Coverage

(February 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
A coronavirus image is being provided in the graphics for the lower third's along with the BBC News live bug of this BBC special.
They’re the really nice graphics like The Nine ones which should have been used more widely across BBC News. I understand why they perhaps didn’t use them on the Channel but Newsnight should have definitely used them.
Inspector Sands

I'm confused by the message being reported from government that it's "business as usual" when it clearly is no such thing.

I think you've been falling for the hype. For the vast majority of the population it is business as usual, this virus isn't changing our life in any way.

The government and media continue to send out very mixed and confusing messages even today.

That's because the government are incompetent and have been caught off guard.

The media will hype things up because that's what they do and what sells papers and gets viewers

Why doesn't the Health Secretary get on TV and do an actual formal TV address for all channels for 10 minutes to make crystal clear what the score is.

The Health Secretary does seem to be getting his hands tied a bit by the ideology of those at number 10.

But really, is there any need for that, again I think you're falling for the scare stories. Even if he did do what you suggest the scare stories are more compelling and people won't take any notice
Markymark, tightrope78 and Brekkie gave kudos
Neil Jones Founding member
Realistically there are always going to be viruses around, its sort of how the system works.

We're not into Black Death territory yet, which on its own apparently wiped out half the population of Europe, but to look at some of the media reports seems to suggest that's where we're going. Which is classic hyperbole if nothing else.
Moz posted:
They’re the really nice graphics like The Nine ones which should have been used more widely across BBC News. I understand why they perhaps didn’t use them on the Channel but Newsnight should have definitely used them.

Sorry to bring this back onto talking about presentation, but here's the graphics used tonight...


Think it'd look good if Newsnight used something like them...

It’s taken up over half of BBC News at Ten. Could you have imagined the chaos if Brexit was still a daily issue as well Shocked
It’s taken up over half of BBC News at Ten. Could you have imagined the chaos if Brexit was still a daily issue as well Shocked

The coverage may have been more in proportion in that case. Corona and the recent floods have only received so much coverage because there has been no other news that feels significant due to the scale and speed of events surrounding Brexit for the past few years.
Moz posted:

Annoyed me a bit that the location bug says Dudley when it's in Brierley Hill, a town in its own right. Even more annoying the News at Ten bug just said West Midlands.
Tonight's edition of RTÉ's Claire Byrne Live is about the Coronavirus. Jon Snow is being interviewed by Claire Byrne via Skype now.
Well Jon Snow just finished his short interview with Claire Byrne. He said that he is still not showing any symptoms after he is in Day 8 of being self-isolated in his own home. His appetite has seen him less eat less food. His temperature is taken every day. He says that it is still below normal. The surprising thing I recalled from it was that he was still allowed to go out & cycle around Regent's Park on his bike while still having no symptoms. He is still not allowed to communicate with other people because he could still pose a risk of spreading the virus to them. I don't know if that was a joke however those were the words I heard being said from it.
Inspector Sands
It’s taken up over half of BBC News at Ten. Could you have imagined the chaos if Brexit was still a daily issue as well Shocked

The cynic would say that one is a distraction from the other Sad
One of the new reported cases is someone who is known by someone who is known by my son . They caught it skiing, and their only symptom (so far) is a runny nose.

Your comment here reminded me of the "six degrees of separation" that effectively connects literally everyone on the planet in some way.

Yes! That had occurred to me too!

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