Image: Amazon.com
Peter C. Boyer; Who Killed CBS?: The Undoing of America's Number One News Network; St. Martin's, 1989.
Boyer's book is an interesting behind-the-scenes expose of CBS News in the 1980s, when the Walter Cronkite era came to an end and Van Gordon Sauter replaced the news division's public service ethos with a populist, purely commercial approach -- damaging CBS's reputation in the process.
Image: Amazon.de
Nea Matzen, Christian Radler (editors); Die Tagesschau: Zur Geschichte einer Nachrichtensendung; UVK, 2009.
If you understand some German, this is an interesting (and easy) read about the history of ARD's Tagesschau . The topics covered include the beginnings of television journalism in Germany, the differences between the French and German approaches to TV news, the day-to-day operations of the Hamburg newsroom, Tagesschau anchors through the years, ARD's much-criticized coverage of 9/11, and so on.
Image: Amazon.com
Peter C. Boyer; Who Killed CBS?: The Undoing of America's Number One News Network; St. Martin's, 1989.
Boyer's book is an interesting behind-the-scenes expose of CBS News in the 1980s, when the Walter Cronkite era came to an end and Van Gordon Sauter replaced the news division's public service ethos with a populist, purely commercial approach -- damaging CBS's reputation in the process.
Image: Amazon.de
Nea Matzen, Christian Radler (editors); Die Tagesschau: Zur Geschichte einer Nachrichtensendung; UVK, 2009.
If you understand some German, this is an interesting (and easy) read about the history of ARD's Tagesschau . The topics covered include the beginnings of television journalism in Germany, the differences between the French and German approaches to TV news, the day-to-day operations of the Hamburg newsroom, Tagesschau anchors through the years, ARD's much-criticized coverage of 9/11, and so on.
Last edited by WW Update on 7 November 2014 8:42am - 2 times in total