The Newsroom

BBC's Your News is Our News

Regional news promo (March 2008)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Col posted:
Revitt posted:
Look North Leeds refers to the flooding of last summer, with Christa Ackroyd, Harry Gration, Jenny Hill, Ian White, and another young lady, whose name escapes me. The 2004 (current) package is used.

The other reporter is Roopa Runjani (spelling?). I'm surprised Paul Hudson doesn't feature in the trail, they must have filmed it while he was on one of his regular days off.

Close - Roopa Rajani

I'm surprised Paul doesn't make an appearance unless he's on the Hull version. Or it could be, as you say, filmed on one of his many days off.
North West Tonight runs with how their highlighting of a story led to a donor of some sort giving money for a young boy who I think had an accident of some sort and was able to do something or another that made him happy.

Sooomething like that anyways.

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