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The BBC World News Thread

BBC World | 30 Years Anniversary - Page 127 (October 2019)

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A former member
Kinda don’t get the point in the change tbh

Dont understand either there's nothing wrong with Business Live, this sounds like an attempt to mix Business Live with a hint of Victoria Derbyshire for a global audience.

Presumably for the same reason they show travel and technology shows - there’s an audience beyond those who just want hard business news. Worklife suggests a link to work-life balance, with well-being being very much on organisations’ agendas these days, so I’d suggest it’s quite a clever move.
London Lite Founding member
Do we know who's presenting Friday editions of Worklife? Victoria Fritz didn't present her usual Friday shift on The Briefing/Biz Live which may assume she was doing rehearsals instead.
Do we know who's presenting Friday editions of Worklife? Victoria Fritz didn't present her usual Friday shift on The Briefing/Biz Live which may assume she was doing rehearsals instead.

I would assume the same people who present Biz Live on a Friday
So far it's Biz Live with a coat of paint and new presenter, i.e. same intro. style
Last edited by Matthew_Fieldhouse on 7 October 2019 8:43am
Presentation style very much like Business Live but the stories feel much more consumer-led, and less focus on markets. Reminds me of when Working Lunch relaunched with Declan and Naga, and that went well.

Let me get this straight...they're launching a programme called "Worklife" at a time when most working people in the UK will already be at, or on the way to, work? Rolling Eyes

I can’t work out who this is aimed at. UK and Europe it’s on too late, US too early. Business Live at least felt like something you’d watch at your desk before starting work at 9.
Such a pointless change. Business Live was far punchier.
noggin Founding member
Such a pointless change. Business Live was far punchier.

My guess is that audience research suggested that Business Live felt too 'hard business' and was appealing to too narrow an audience. Softening the approach may well be an experiment to see if a wider audience can be appealed to ?
London Lite Founding member
Going by what I watched this morning, the core format is still Business Live with the same features on at the same time, complete with the same walk on to the catwalk at the start of the show and a very brief markets update after doing a throw to whoever is in Singapore or the US.

The main difference seemed to be the editorial seemed to be slightly dumbed down, such as when Sally was explaining the lead story about Unilever which was a tad patronising and the final VT seemed to be designed for online rather than tv.

The viewer comments being shown on-screen seemed to work, even if I find them gimmicky.

The branding though is terrible and should be changed.
Going by what I watched this morning, the core format is still Business Live with the same features on at the same time, complete with the same walk on to the catwalk at the start of the show and a very brief markets update after doing a throw to whoever is in Singapore or the US.

The main difference seemed to be the editorial seemed to be slightly dumbed down, such as when Sally was explaining the lead story about Unilever which was a tad patronising and the final VT seemed to be designed for online rather than tv.

The viewer comments being shown on-screen seemed to work, even if I find them gimmicky.

The branding though is terrible and should be changed.

The music reminded me of a softer version of the 2013 Watchdog theme. Laughing
Such a pointless change. Business Live was far punchier.

My guess is that audience research suggested that Business Live felt too 'hard business' and was appealing to too narrow an audience. Softening the approach may well be an experiment to see if a wider audience can be appealed to ?

I would hope that wouldn't be the case - Business Live contained business news without being too obsessed with stocks, bonds and other things that other business shows often care a lot about. If anything it was maybe not hard enough (I like the 'Inside Track' section but it was hardly aimed at finance types)

I'm still not sure I particularly get this change - it seems the same programme, only a bit dumbed down, a BBC World presenter instead of Ben Thompson and a worse name and look. I get why CNNI & Sky News are making the changes they have (The Brief, Your World Today, Kay @ Breakfast) but this does feel change for change's sake.
Such a pointless change. Business Live was far punchier.

My guess is that audience research suggested that Business Live felt too 'hard business' and was appealing to too narrow an audience. Softening the approach may well be an experiment to see if a wider audience can be appealed to ?

I would hope that wouldn't be the case - Business Live contained business news without being too obsessed with stocks, bonds and other things that other business shows often care a lot about. If anything it was maybe not hard enough (I like the 'Inside Track' section but it was hardly aimed at finance types)

I'm still not sure I particularly get this change - it seems the same programme, only a bit dumbed down, a BBC World presenter instead of Ben Thompson and a worse name and look. I get why CNNI & Sky News are making the changes they have (The Brief, Your World Today, Kay @ Breakfast) but this does feel change for change's sake.

Maryam Moshiri has recently left the pool of business presenters and Ben Thompson is at Breakfast for presumably the next year without replacement so it appears as though this move is as a way to reduce costs (presumably they'll be a lot less business presentation from freelancers such as Ben Bland and Tadgh Enright going forward).
harshy Founding member
Yeah both presenters employed by BBC global news so its a cost cutting exercise, pros nice orange colour scheme for the studio, the music is quite nice and kind of soothing which is a strange feeling to experience on a business programme and the titles animate fluidly and has a different concept to the usual globe with photos from a stock library (unfortunately BBC biz live for a large part of its run had poorly airbrushed world business report titles)

Cons well its got that skyline background they should have been more daring and used that fabulous orange backdrop and others have remarked it does feel a bit dumbed down.

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