BBC East Midlands Today - New Set Monday Split from Anglia/East of England News Discussion Anne is down in Oz at the mo on an extended holiday! 1234 By DanielK 36 replies 10,580 views ST 4 Jan - 9 JanSouth Today
3 News NZ / TV3 NZ 3 News NZ / TV3 NZ presintation and looks.......... cant seem to find a current/active thread I think this may fall under the "International News Presentation: Past and Present" thread By NZnewswatch 2 replies 1,352 views NY 7 Jan - 8 JanNYTV
Woolwich incident coverage - Ofcom ruling I actually have a lot of admiration for ITV News in quite how fast they got this to air. In the Ofcom document it states that the witness arrived at their studios at 5.45pm. In that time they would... By thegeek 5 replies 1,687 views PC 12 Jan - 15 Janp_c_u_k
Newsrooms: Why the move to a uniform look? That's not entirely accurate because at other times in the past there has been a uniform look for all news bulletins. The Chinese Lantern look in 1981 was taken across all the bulletins, they had... 12 By A former member 14 replies 3,267 views SW 12 Jan - 14 JanSteve Williams
English Language News Channels on 28.2E-19.2E-13E Just building a channel list for a new setup of English Language FTA News Channels on 28.2E, 19.2E and 13E and hoping I've not missed any out? Cheers By remlap 0 replies 747 views RE 12 Janremlap
Komla Dumor, BBC World TV presenter has died. Split from BBC World News from New Broadcasting House The Times has a formal Obituary in tomorrow's paper. An early edition version of which has just been tweeted ..... here …….. DJACK_JOURNO on TWITTER.COM 03-Feb-2014 @ 19:45 1234567 By DanielK 82 replies 20k views DV 18 Jan - 3 FebDVB Cornwall
Old BBC news bulletins: 93-99 Yes is the answer to your question, IIRC. The last clip you linked to is in fact not a generic BBC Two daytime bulletin, but rather the old Saturday evening BBC Two bulletin, which lived on from the... By A former member 3 replies 1,344 views GE 19 JanGareth E
BBC News at 60 Are they doing anything Same here! I've also got a couple of glossy publications that were given to all BBC staff at the time. One of them contains photos of each production team (e.g. Breakfast, BBC World, News 24 etc)... By DTV 7 replies 1,933 views IT 20 Jan - 22 Janitsrobert
BBC Scotland New News Set Split from BBC Scotland News Thread I don't know why, but on the late update tonight, on the screen next to the weather was a still from the "An Là" titles. Can anyone think if their was a reason behind this? 1234...101112 By rob 132 replies 26k views TH 24 Jan - 26 Maythisiscnn
ITV GRANADA TECH PROBLEMS Itv granada news tech Rare to see one of those these days! By bambam35614 3 replies 1,451 views EL 26 Jan - 27 Janelmarko