Sky News Political Editor Post Applications close this week Just been announced that Ian King from the Times will replace Randall. By Live at five with Jeremy 10 replies 2,450 views GH 2 Feb - 3 FebGeorge Hill
Have 24 hour rolling news channels had their day? Media Guardian thought piece. Well SKY news has a real trouble trying to fill up its slots, it kept's point out the news review at 22.30 tonight. There could have had a nice 5mins slot about its birthday... 12 By DVB Cornwall 16 replies 4,362 views :-( 4 Feb - 5 FebA former member
Tim Willcox to star alongside Antonio Banderas Haha, wow. That's incredible. We need some behind the scenes pics! By JamesWorldNews 3 replies 1,556 views EL 8 Feb - 11 Febelmarko
RTS Awards 2014 You don't need to put URL tags in, you can just paste the URL directly and it works: By Newsroom 9 replies 2,348 views VM 19 Feb - 20 FebVMPhil
Final election programme for David Dimbleby Huw Edwards after 2015. Split from UK Election debates AIUI there will be two parallel programmes going out - one in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (i.e. the bit that Scotland may leave) and a separate one for Scotland. Quite understandable given... 1234 By A former member 45 replies 10,226 views NG 20 Feb - 27 Julnoggin
David Dimbleby's last election coverage will be 2015 Huw Edwards to take over I've split and moved this morning's posts to a new thread. Please do as deejay did and create a new topic!! By deejay 3 replies 974 views AS 20 FebAsa
Huw Edwards to replace Dimbleby on Election Night Job share in 2015, Huw's from thereafter Bit confused - I did start a new thread on this subject ... Not sure which one to post in now... ! By Brekkie 3 replies 1,327 views DE 20 Febdeejay
MSNBC Updated Studio 3K debut yesterday (deleted post) 123 By Mouseboy33 32 replies 11,070 views MO 25 Feb - 28 SepMouseboy33
Blurry start to the news I'm guessing here, but possibly the automation control of the focus ring wasn't working for some reason and so while the camera tracked and zoomed as part of the opening shot, it didn't pull focus.... By scottishtv 9 replies 2,579 views DE 25 Feb - 3 Mardeejay
North American Affilliates/Network Set Design American,Canadian Network & Affilate Set Designs WHNT 19 Huntsville, AL - The city of Huntsville is one of the 4 main space and rocket aerospace industry cities in the US. Its not a huge city, but its mainly a tech-based, aerospace based economy... 1234...697071 By Mouseboy33 849 replies 140k views MO 26 Feb - 29 Oct 2020Mouseboy33