Wimbledon moving the news to BBC Two With the Six on BBC Two, and instead of discussing it in the main thread, why not split it up? 12345 By Critique 49 replies 9,006 views AN 1 Jul - 2 JulAndrew
News of the World to close Effective with this Sunday's edition 1234...789 By VMPhil 98 replies 17,949 views IS 7 Jul - 12 JulInspector Sands
Countdown to 2012 One year to go - special news coverage By cms43 4 replies 1,214 views IS 7 JulInspector Sands
News International and BSkyB The future. Oh goody! Anyone they need to book while they're at it?? 1234...192021 By DVB Cornwall 245 replies 48k views GM 8 Jul - 15 May 2012Gary McEwan
CNC World - new Chinese News/Docs channel By stuartfanning 1 reply 1,306 views ST 13 Jul - 21 Julstuartfanning