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ITV Rebrand 2021

A quirky rebrand for ITV's flagship channel (December 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive

Moving away from the Sky channels, I thought ITV needed a fresh new look forr 2021. So, here it is! ITV's new rebrand would be more quirky, a fitting theme for ITV. During Ad Breaks (before and after) a witty message would pop up. During movies, it would say something along the lines of 'Shh! We can't hear the movie!' or 'Fetch the popcorn!' During movies, the message would say 'Enjoying the film?' and at the end of movies, it would say 'Did you enjoy the film?'
The font is an italic version of ITV Reem Web, from DevientArt. The colors in the promo endboards fit the programmes style. If a comedy was on ITV, the color scheme would be yellow and brown. If a drama was on ITV, the color scheme would be grey and red.
ITV has certainly come a long way since it's release to the public in 1955, and a new branding would be perfect for 2021.
Stay Safe!
Last edited by UKTVSpark on 22 December 2020 9:14pm - 2 times in total
This does not fit ITV at all, and is dull.

and is dull.

Well, thats the point. Nothing too dramatic. Nothing too complicated. Just simple

I don't think there's anything wrong with being simple. However, there is a line between simple and boring. I hate to put it so bluntly, but you've gone well beyond that line. I would like to be able to give some positive feedback, but it's difficult to do that for what looks to have taken no more than 10 minutes. I think you have some good ideas in your head, but you need to take time to develop those ideas into something that you could imagine seeing on air.
UKTVSpark and Toasty603 gave kudos
AxG posted:
and is dull.

Well, that's sort of the whole point. Nothing too complicated

Moving away from the Sky channels, I thought ITV needed a fresh new look forr 2021. So, here it is! ITV's new rebrand would be more quirky, a fitting theme for ITV. During Ad Breaks (before and after) a witty message would pop up. During movies, it would say something along the lines of 'Shh! We can't hear the movie!' or 'Fetch the popcorn!' During movies, the message would say 'Enjoying the film?' and at the end of movies, it would say 'Did you enjoy the film?'
The font is an italic version of ITV Reem Web, from DevientArt. The colors in the promo endboards fit the programmes style. If a comedy was on ITV, the color scheme would be yellow and brown. If a drama was on ITV, the color scheme would be grey and red.
ITV has certainly come a long way since it's release to the public in 1955, and a new branding would be perfect for 2021.
Stay Safe!

I see what you're getting at but there's some points.

1. Try and keep your text on the middle. I can see in the third picture that the text is a little off centred unlike the other 3.

2. Try and pick colours that are good with the other colours. I can see in the 4th picture that you had the ITV logo in pink and the background red. You should experiment with other colours to see what's good and what's not.

I've also noticed that you used powerpoint to make these. Dont get me wrong, Powerpoint can be good as some amazing mocks here have been made that used Powerpoint. You should try and find tutorials on how to make your mock decent like what I'm doing with photoshop atm.
Alfie Mulcahy, UKTVSpark and BBI45 gave kudos
AxG posted:
and is dull.

Well, that's sort of the whole point. Nothing too complicated

There's literally no concept here, it just looks like a bunch of colours plunked together.

You're going the wrong way about being simple:

fanoftv and UKTVSpark gave kudos
J. Lyric
The idea: I can see it. There's some promise.

Execution: It's... It's not good.

UPDATE: I've made a small update to ITV's 2021 rebrand. The center of the problem was the blandness of the rebrand. I've made some patterns and an ITV watermark to go over the colors and text.
If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me
Looking Glass
Looking at the redesign, the colours in the background are very bright and lovely and then are muted on the strap itself. I like the personality of the phrases but I just think brown on blue is a bit of a dull colour combination. I don’t think that it achieves the goal of giving the brand more personality.
Alfie Mulcahy
The colours don't really go together that well and the ITV logo looks too close to the horizontal box which makes it look cramped. The alteration makes it look even more cramped. By making the colours fit together a bit better and making it less cramped.

I'd also try using a better quality ITV logo as this one is pixelated.

UPDATE: I've made a small update to ITV's 2021 rebrand. The center of the problem was the blandness of the rebrand. I've made some patterns and an ITV watermark to go over the colors and text.
If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me

It's not the pattern thats the issue, it's the vague concept and the lack of harmony between the colours, which makes it garish to look at. (Search 'colour theory' on Google)

You need to ask yourself right now, can you see this physically on TV? If not, then you need to do a bit more research. Try and emulate a design to a certain level to start off with and build your skills from there. Those videos I've posted, especially the Nederland 3 one, shows you what they went through to come up with the concept and how they got that design into action - and that is a simple but functional design, simple doesn't mean boring.

Some more examples:

Someone did this mock up of Australian Network 10 as part of their uni project a few years back, again following a simple design

I could go on about aspect ratio & safe areas, but it's not even to that point yet.
Last edited by dbl on 24 December 2020 2:01pm - 2 times in total

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