This lad says otherwise.
The thing is, the BBC has almost always never been identified by JUST the letters or JUST the blocks. It's always been the letters IN the blocks. The current BBC logo has been around for 23 years and hasn't aged a bit. What I'm trying to say is, the logo itself doesn't need changing, the IMPLEMENTATION of it does, as the BBC branding currently is all over the place, though slowly starting to regain uniformity through Reith. Other than that, your concept is a nice way of bringing the BBC closer together.
I'd suggest... keeping the letters in the BBC logo. It MIGHT just about work in the UK but definitely not internationally
This lad says otherwise.
I think the ones which don't use the current logo are the better sets, although I like the BBC Three end board as well.
The thing is, the BBC has almost always never been identified by JUST the letters or JUST the blocks. It's always been the letters IN the blocks. The current BBC logo has been around for 23 years and hasn't aged a bit. What I'm trying to say is, the logo itself doesn't need changing, the IMPLEMENTATION of it does, as the BBC branding currently is all over the place, though slowly starting to regain uniformity through Reith. Other than that, your concept is a nice way of bringing the BBC closer together.