Something I've wanted to do for a while here is a BBC mock, so I went ahead and done it. The rebrand mostly uses Reith, insprired by the 1997 Gill Sans rebrand, with the only brands not using it being CBBC, CBeebies and BBC Three since I don't really feel like it would reflect their audiences.
Let's start with the TV channels.
You can see that the logos have their colours from their current logos (except BBC Four) unlike the Gill Sans era.
CBBC's logo uses the colour scheme from the 2016 logo with the C being split up into the 4 colours, while CBeebies just has the BBC logo coloured purple. CBeebies isn't as consistent as the other logos, but it's would be a pretty risky move to change it entirely since it has been used since it's launch and it just wouldn't work as a horizontal logo since it isn't read with the BBC part.
Meanwhile, Three, uses the current logo but without the tricon because it's returning to TV and IMO, the current logo still screams "online channel". The reason why it has a different font was because it's a trend Three has had since it's launch.
Now for Radio.
The Radio channels use the numerals from the current logo, with some channels being renamed. However, the names aren't my idea. I stole- I mean "borrowed" them from another concept that I liked
Radio 5 Live is now Radio 5, Radio 6 Music is now Radio 6 and Radio 5 Live Sports Extra (who thought that name was a good idea?) is now Radio Sports.
You'll also notice a new brand called CBBC Radio. It's a block on Radio 1Xtra for kids 8-12 in the afternoon with clean versions of songs from 3:15pm-5:45pm. I figured that there's alot of Radio 1 and music content on CBBC and there are still alot of kids who listen to the Radio, which is why I made that.
Finally, the others
Not much to say here. Weather and Sport use the Reith Sans font, while iPlayer and Sounds also use it, but the first letters are their currents icons.
Tell me what you think, and I AM accepting critisism.
Let's start with the TV channels.
You can see that the logos have their colours from their current logos (except BBC Four) unlike the Gill Sans era.
CBBC's logo uses the colour scheme from the 2016 logo with the C being split up into the 4 colours, while CBeebies just has the BBC logo coloured purple. CBeebies isn't as consistent as the other logos, but it's would be a pretty risky move to change it entirely since it has been used since it's launch and it just wouldn't work as a horizontal logo since it isn't read with the BBC part.
Meanwhile, Three, uses the current logo but without the tricon because it's returning to TV and IMO, the current logo still screams "online channel". The reason why it has a different font was because it's a trend Three has had since it's launch.
Now for Radio.
The Radio channels use the numerals from the current logo, with some channels being renamed. However, the names aren't my idea. I stole- I mean "borrowed" them from another concept that I liked
Radio 5 Live is now Radio 5, Radio 6 Music is now Radio 6 and Radio 5 Live Sports Extra (who thought that name was a good idea?) is now Radio Sports.
You'll also notice a new brand called CBBC Radio. It's a block on Radio 1Xtra for kids 8-12 in the afternoon with clean versions of songs from 3:15pm-5:45pm. I figured that there's alot of Radio 1 and music content on CBBC and there are still alot of kids who listen to the Radio, which is why I made that.
Finally, the others
Not much to say here. Weather and Sport use the Reith Sans font, while iPlayer and Sounds also use it, but the first letters are their currents icons.
Tell me what you think, and I AM accepting critisism.