The Gallery

BBC News 1999

Remastered in glorious 4K (April 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Bail Moderator
Right then, I'll be blunt this is probably the best mock I've ever made or ever will make. Inspired by mdta's past recreations, and lots of recent talk in the nostalgia news threads about BBC News circa 1999 I found myself looking at the titles of the era and, given I had some time on my hands (don't we all) I thought I'd have a go.

In the past I've started something like this before, but never really got past the looking like a bad flash animation stage. However, as I've gotten a bit older since my last effort I’d say my After Effects skills have improved.

Thus, I've gone, quite literally, frame by frame over the originals from wherever I can source them to try and match them as best as humanly possible.

I've also intentionally made them 4k and taken artistic liberties to add extra details that perhaps weren't in the original but if made today in the same style no doubt would be to add texture and interest.

The stills don't quite to it justice here, right click and "view image" to see the full-size render.



Full Titles

Short Titles

Want to see how I do some of those placenames, and the animation and masking have a look at this free project file to have a go at yourselves.

Last edited by Bail on 11 May 2020 1:45pm - 8 times in total
Wow, just wow! 5/5
Bro, this is the best recreation ever, Bail you work wonders, could you do a 2008 regional news recreation?
Last edited by Ballyboy on 28 April 2020 8:46pm
An incredible recreation. This is true to the original but the details in 4K really prove how versatile this style is even 20 years later. Well done!
Amazing recreation right down to the contours of the land on the map! You have clearly studied the original intensely and have tremendous skills. Bravo Bail and keep up the good work!
11 out of 10 Bail, once again the passion and effort you have put in, is visible and recognised.

All this nostalgia is palpable!

Cross hatching, bump maps all shine at 4k
Rolling News
This is incredible!
I'm actually amazed, fantastic job! Smile
Bail Moderator
So I'm thinking of doing a mock-along Friday evening with some of it, you guys interested?
Jimmyson and DeMarkay gave kudos
Bail posted:
So I'm thinking of doing a mock-along Friday evening with some of it, you guys interested?

Count me in
Mike W
Bail posted:
So I'm thinking of doing a mock-along Friday evening with some of it, you guys interested?

Sadly I'll be working, can it be recorded to Twitch or YouTube and unlisted? I might poke my head in if I get a break just to see how things are going.

I've also intentionally made them 4k and taken artistic liberties to add extra details that perhaps weren't in the original but if made today in the same style no doubt would be to add texture and interest.

I find the 'add grain' effect in the coloured parts can give it some greater definition than it has at the moment and almost a filmic look (lots of the 99 graphics were real models treated in post, for instance the globe has long been speculated as being a model).

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