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BBC News 1993 Set

(September 2016)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
As you may have noticed I was asking around for 1993 News Behind the Scenes footage the other week and I'm very thankful to Justin for finding the clip I was looking for. From that minute bit of knowledge you probably guessed what I was working on and here it is - the BBC News Set from 1993-1998 (there were some minor differences when they moved the set to N6)


A Test Render:

I've also created the 'VR' version of the studio and merged the two (as it would have been done).
and just to prove it...

No coat of arms just yet, but I'm working on it.
DE88, bkman1990 and seamus gave kudos
rob Founding member
Love it. Absolutely love it.
Nice job, DTV. Looks great, can't wait to see the Coat of Arms.
Brilliant recreation of such an iconic look for BBC News.

I wonder what the thought process was to virtually make a massive air port check in style desk. I suppose these days people would complain about having such a long desk for just 1 or 2 presenters Razz Razz
DE88, NYTV and Brekkie gave kudos
Just been trying out some Coat of Arms work - just trying to perfect the angles/rendering.

Brilliant recreation of such an iconic look for BBC News.

I wonder what the thought process was to virtually make a massive air port check in style desk. I suppose these days people would complain about having such a long desk for just 1 or 2 presenters Razz Razz

I expect the only thought process really was to make it look as impressive as possible - which they achieved, though sadly when BBC World tried to copy it they made a right mess of it - particularly with the wide shots. The oddest thing about the design though is the fake floor they added - which takes about 8 inches off the height of the desk giving a weird appearance to the presenters.
It really was just showing off wasn't it. When you break it down as you have done it becomes clear they could have achieved the basics of the set in a real build had they wanted too.
Wonderful, as always! As others have said, it's fascinating how extensive the real desk was!
Wonderful, as always! As others have said, it's fascinating how extensive the real desk was!

Well I suppose the four sections are sort of what they needed - sometimes they would have sports presenters sat to the right of the main presenter section and interviewed guests who sat on the left side of the desk. Also at the ends of daytime summaries they did a 'manual' wide shot of the studio from the end of the desk and it helped give the illusion of a large set without the need for the computerised set.
Bail Moderator
For the lazy, can you post your sources, that era is so old in my memory my details aren't as sharp as they were.
Bail posted:
For the lazy, can you post your sources, that era is so old in my memory my details aren't as sharp as they were.

End of Summary wide (via TV Live)

Interview Side (to left of 3 'main' panels)

Sport Side (to right of 3 'main' panels)
Here's a composite I've done. For some reason Maxwell will either give the Arms a black background or make the Arms black, but hopefully soon I'll be able to fix it up.

I'll also hope to get some alternative versions out soon maybe Breakfast, Six O'Clock and an N6 version of the real set.

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