Granada Reports The Newsroom I will end as I started in 2002 talking about Granada Reports. Good to see the Window Backdrop again. I no longer use my website for talking about Granada Reports. I have enjoyed TV Forum... 1234...678 By DJ Dave 89 replies 11,384 views BS 31 Mar 2021 6:29amBen Shatliff
Granada Reports The Newsroom - From MediaCityUK (Split topic) This is going back a few years, like 2003 or something but at one point they started using the main studio for the 3pm news as well as the main 6pm news and every other one got the CSO. 1234...323334 By AxG 398 replies 87k views DJ 9 Nov 2016 9:27pmDJ Dave
New ! Granada Reports TV Home Forum So I guess it was the last Granada Tonight today (no full show tomorrow) Did they mention at the end of the programme about the change of name and look etc ? Please report any news on the new look here, or how you think it will look. 12345 By Square Eyes 51 replies 7,463 views CA 18 Apr 2001 12:43amcat