BBC Three returns to TV on BBC One
TV Home Forum - Monday - Wednesday at 10:35pm
Right you are, brain fade there!
Question Time Rebrand (with Reith)
The Gallery - BBC One's Question Time programme with a fresh set of colours and the new Reith font to modernise
52 days inactive - I doubt this needed responding to again. You should probably just use the star-rating function instead for this as you haven't even added anything constructive - we all know Question...
BBC One Continuity from 21st March 2002
Requests - Apologies for me making a NEW request, my contact has let me down by giving me one from 2003!
What a wonderful piece of grammar and a post of great value to the forum..
AnsweredBBC One Continuity 2002
Requests - Continuity Request from 2002
And it was my birthday on that day.
BBC One Velvet Background
Requests - Used at the start of January 2017
Has anyone got the BBC One Velvet Background used from January 2017 - Present? Just let me know, please! Thanks!
The Murder of Jill Dando
TV Home Forum - BBC One Tuesday 2nd April 9pm
Barry George is interviewed in this one - he wasn't in the BBC's. I wonder why.
BBC Rebranding Idea (Coming Soon!)
The Gallery - I’m currently working on a BBC rebranding Idea. Do feel free to leave your suggestions here.
This is like those old ‘Under Construction’ pages you used to see on websites. Clicking on something interesting only to find a placeholder.
BBC One Holding/Programme slides
The Gallery - in the style of the BBC YouTube thumbnails
Ahhhh I understand now re the bar