
Sketchup Rendering

HELP NEEDED: ON MAC (April 2014)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I have completed a design for a Good Morning Britain studio, and Love it, but as a new member I've never experienced the rendering process. Id like to find out more, so please help!! Very Happy I want to use a free renderer so please can you recommend one and just advise me on what the process will entail! Thanks!! Very Happy
Last edited by HJL on 15 April 2014 4:16pm
Kerkythea is a good, free render. You will need to download SU2KT to export your model to it. The process is quite simple, you add the lights in Sketchup, using the SU2KT toolbar, go onto Kerkythea, and start your render. You may need to tweak some settings also.
Kerkythea is a good, free render. You will need to download SU2KT to export your model to it. The process is quite simple, you add the lights in Sketchup, using the SU2KT toolbar, go onto Kerkythea, and start your render. You may need to tweak some settings also.

Do you now how to download it onto a mac, it won't work!! Sad
Kerkythea is a good, free render. You will need to download SU2KT to export your model to it. The process is quite simple, you add the lights in Sketchup, using the SU2KT toolbar, go onto Kerkythea, and start your render. You may need to tweak some settings also.

Do you now how to download it onto a mac, it won't work!! Sad

What comes up?
There are set up instructions, but they give a route for where to place the folder, but the route doesn't exist because Sketchup hasn't got a folder in the Application Support area. Very Happy

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