
Original Channel 4 Racing Theme

(February 2009)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Does anybody have a copy of the original Channel 4 Racing theme?

Thanks in advance

Put The Telly On
I have this version by The Formula Band
A former member
that is awful ( not to be rude)

There is a copy around but its um a rip I think and its not great and about 70 secs long
623058 posted:
that is awful ( not to be rude)

There is a copy around but its um a rip I think and its not great and about 70 secs long

That one'll be fine if anybody has it!
steddenm posted:
623058 posted:
that is awful ( not to be rude)

There is a copy around but its um a rip I think and its not great and about 70 secs long

That one'll be fine if anybody has it!

Channel 4 Racing
Put The Telly On
623058 posted:
that is awful ( not to be rude)

There is a copy around but its um a rip I think and its not great and about 70 secs long

You get a bit tetchy about your themes don't you.

Well AIUI there have been 4 different themes for C4 racing..

The original by Brian Bennett which Chie has uploaded (1984 - c1996)
then there was a rockier version of the original (c1996 - c2000)
Then the completely different techno-style version (c2000 - c2004)
and the current techno theme.

I don't know where The Formula Band's version fits in but it's clearly a cover.

Incidently it's 25 years of Channel 4 Racing next month.
A former member
nok32uk posted:

You get a bit tetchy about your themes don't you.

Well AIUI there have been 4 different themes for C4 racing..
Incidently it's 25 years of Channel 4 Racing next month.

And that how you can tell I been looking for some piece far too long Laughing

Here is that 1996 rocker one
A former member
I think its the start, I think its a rip, Never been able to found an actully copy
Robin Blamires Founding member
I thought the above post was introduced in 2000. I'm certain I have VHS with the original theme being used in 1999.
Put The Telly On
You could be right Robin. The first techno theme may have been introduced in 2002 when they joined hands with attheraces for a bit. But it didn't last long.
A former member
Never did like at the races!
The "techno" theme did indeed come in with the rebrand to attheraces.

Still don't understand why they didn't bring back the "4 in a horse" logo when they rebranded back to Channel 4 Racing. The scanner still has it plastered on the side (only painted a few months before the change to attheraces & too disruptive to get rid of).

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