
An odd query regarding Home Alone

(December 2013)

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Larry the Loafer
A strange conversation arose earlier today about watching Home Alone when it was first being shown on television. I seem to recall it being premiered on ITV at some point but somebody else says I'm not. I tried looking through old schedules and ITV only premiered Home Alone 2 in 1997. Does anybody know if the first Home Alone ever got a UK TV premiere?

Like I say, it's an odd query...
Having checked Times Digital Archive, Home Alone first aired on ITV in 1995 (February 5th in fact). No mention of "Premiere" in the listing though. Other times before this it was shown on Sky (The Movie Channel).
Last edited by benriggers on 22 December 2013 10:58pm
Larry the Loafer
Ah, cheers for that Ben. I was expecting it to have been shown around Christmas time rather than February...
Whataday Founding member
I remember The Movie Channel making a big deal of the premiere of Home Alone 2.

45 days later

Ah, cheers for that Ben. I was expecting it to have been shown around Christmas time rather than February...

And here's the trailer for it! (at the start of the clip)

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