
ITV News West Country

West Country Titles (April 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Hello, I am after the ITV News West Country titles but can't seem to find ones in hd and dont cut off right at the end. Anyone who could help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
Admiral Sven
Hey there - as franchises can be confusing is that the ITV Westcountry franchise (Carlton Westcountry, Devon and Cornwall, 1992-2013) or the current ITV West Country franchise (note the space, 2013-present)?

If either I'll see what I can do.

Toohak Smile
Hey there - as franchises can be confusing is that the ITV Westcountry franchise (Carlton Westcountry, Devon and Cornwall, 1992-2013) or the current ITV West Country franchise (note the space, 2013-present)?

If either I'll see what I can do.

Toohak Smile

Most recent itv West country. I think that's 2013-present
Admiral Sven
Alright - I've just uploaded this intro to my YouTube channel for you. I'll also DM you a Google Drive folder link where there is a complete soundtrack as well as a safe download of the video Smile

Sorry it's not in HD but as ITV (and the BBC) don't broadcast HD local news outside of Meridian/London I can't get a HD intro.

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