
Central idents and presentation 1990/91

Clean and full (April 2016)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
I've seen some Central Idents from 1993, 1992 and 1994 on TVBits Youtube account.
There aren't any clean idents and presentation from 1990 and 1991 in this video. Does anyone have them, i've seen them on azza5570 years ago, but sadly his account got deleted. If anyone has any of them, please talk to me and upload them! Smile
A former member
Can you please direct us to the video?
Neil Jones Founding member
Central mixed and matched a heck of a lot presentation over the years, you'd need to be a bit more specific exactly what you're looking for. Most of Central's presentation was pretty much the same from the late 1980s with their own take on the 1989 look, before dumping that and going back to what they were using before, albeit with possible rerendering of the cake on newer computers.

There's two megamixes on YouTube if you haven't seen them already:

Then there's a big 45 minute long video here from the TVBits channel, appears to be mostly clean (I've only skimmed through it quickly) and most of this is the later look from the early to mid 1990s before they started tinting the cake in various colours:

I don't think anybody knows for sure how much ident material Central had generated by the time they dropped the cake look altogether, because as I say it was mixed and matched visuals and music.
A former member
The reply I got from the ex head of presentation at central who ended up working for in the ITV duty office, was around 100'000 different pieces. over its course of the cake. That figure included idents, promo, nexts, laters, this afternoons etc.
Does anyone have a copy of the Central start up and close down track, clean?
A former member
Try this

8 days later

Can someone send me the video of the Central Presentation Kit from 1990 and 1991? If so, PLEASE POST IT.

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