
What causes a film to become unusable on BBC1 in 1995?

(October 2013)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Larry the Loafer
This is a fairly obscure query but this breakdown from TV Ark has always had me intrigued. BBC1 attempt to show the film Heaven Can Wait, but are stuck for about five minutes before deciding they can't show it...

Why I'm so eager to know is beyond me, but does anybody know what the circumstances would've been whereby the film would be abandoned? There's also a point at 3:22 where it sounds like something's loading in the background. Any idea what this might be too?

Forgive my weirdly curious mind... Wink
He does say (around that 3:22 point) that they are having problems "finding" the film. Could it be that the tape simply wasn't physically present, and they didn't discover this until the very last minute? Spent five minutes scrambling to find it, but had to give up as any further delay would have been unacceptable?

12 days later

Keith Musselwhite
The 'something uploading' sound seems more like cueing up the next track of music rather than anything else. Still it is a very wierd situation.
Larry the Loafer
Odo posted:
He does say (around that 3:22 point) that they are having problems "finding" the film. Could it be that the tape simply wasn't physically present, and they didn't discover this until the very last minute? Spent five minutes scrambling to find it, but had to give up as any further delay would have been unacceptable?

I find it odd that the CA still went and introduced the film. I would've thought it was cued up and ready to play.

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