
'' Beep '' Themes BBC

Global With Jon Sopel & Matthew Amroliwala (November 2017)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Hey ! Everyone , I poste this new topic to ask everyone because I try to build a sms rigthone for me with only '' Beep ''without the orchestra that we could hear in the theme of GLOBAL on BBC WORLD NEWS.

So, David Lowe told me that he used Logic Pro X ( and the BBC Orchestra ) for GLOBAL. But I never used this software, just look.

On this forum somebody know how we can build this beep , plugin maybe ? in Logic Pro or other thing ?

The theme with this Beep are here

Can you help me please and this topic maybe can help other person to understand how this sound effect is build

Thank you to have take the time te read my message
Last edited by Azerty on 25 November 2017 6:12pm - 3 times in total
You can generate a beep really easily in any basic audio editor, like Audacity. There's an option in the software to generate a tone - the pip is about 0.1 seconds long and in B flat I believe!
Thank you Critique for you answer , I try on Audacity with B flat, but it not the same beep that GLOBAL , I will try to ask again D.Lowe Wink

I will post the David low's answer Smile
Last edited by Azerty on 26 November 2017 12:21am
David Low reply to me that he make this effect on Logic Pro ( it very easy he told me ) he use '' simple wave generator and the sound is just a pure sine wave, which is one of the starting point sounds on most synths before you add filters VCA’s etc ''

Bail Moderator
Here's a beep loop for you, or a pip as it's known (it mimics the BBC Radio top of the hour time signal pips)

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