
BBC1 Balloon (1997-2002)

Ident Music/Composer? (June 2007)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Paul Clark posted:
That was in response to the previous comment from 623058 - based on his remark, I figured it'd be helpful to clarify the origin for him, as it seems he was somewhat unaware - so it was never directed at your good self, I was simply trying to help him out.

623058 was joking. He has made other jokes about me working for ITV and other organisations when I've uploaded rare items before. It was an in-joke. Ok?

I hope someone appreciated the mp3, I'm sorry if your computer isn't playing it in good enough quality but it's the best I could do. And in any case, if some people were willing to remove sticks from certain orifices and share the actual original files in the first place, then we wouldn't have to resort to making do with copies, would we. Rolling Eyes
SOL posted:
As the beeb is publically funded, can you request ident music, video etc. and they would give it to you? Of course you would need to pay costs of postage.

It doesn't work like that though - I know you pay for it, but unfortunately it doesn't give you access to everything they make it.
Paul Clark
Chie posted:
Paul Clark posted:
That was in response to the previous comment from 623058 - based on his remark, I figured it'd be helpful to clarify the origin for him, as it seems he was somewhat unaware - so it was never directed at your good self, I was simply trying to help him out.

623058 was joking. He has made other jokes about me working for ITV and other organisations when I've uploaded rare items before. It was an in-joke. Ok?

It's hard to gauge tone in written comments, but if you thought I was having a go at you, I wasn't - so there's no need for any remote degree of hostility.

The thing about in-jokes is, not everybody gets them... Wink

Chie posted:
I hope someone appreciated the mp3, I'm sorry if your computer isn't playing it in good enough quality but it's the best I could do.

You've nothing to be sorry about - it's playing just fine.

And in any case, if some people were willing to remove sticks from certain orifices and share the actual original files in the first place, then we wouldn't have to resort to making do with copies, would we. Rolling Eyes

Yes; this is indeed the thing.

I'm afraid I can't help though - I'd like the whole set of these to be shared as much as anyone else. But if I find any, rest assured I'll let you know!
Bail Moderator
Here's a couple of decent quality balloon soundtracks, enjoy.
Paul Clark
Bail posted:
Here's a couple of decent quality balloon soundtracks, enjoy.

Where did you source those two from? They're rather good - nice to hear Stereo pieces at length, rather than short snippets.
Bail posted:
Here's a couple of decent quality balloon soundtracks, enjoy.

That's great. Thanks. Smile

It just proves no idents have beaten how good these were Crying or Very sad
Dan Gooding
Does anyone have any other of this music, like the other variations. I think there was one which was a bit more funky, if that's the way to describe it
If anyone has any full stereo soundtracks they would like to trade then please get in touch. I've been after a couple in particular for a long time. Thanks.
CctrL posted:
I know someone with the full set of idents and music, PM me and I will give you more info

Why don't you ask him / her?

And, I did PM you, but didn't receive 'more info'.
Chie posted:
CctrL posted:
I know someone with the full set of idents and music, PM me and I will give you more info

Why don't you ask him / her?

And, I did PM you, but didn't receive 'more info'.
Same here. Rolling Eyes
Paul Clark
tvwatcher posted:
Chie posted:
CctrL posted:
I know someone with the full set of idents and music, PM me and I will give you more info

Why don't you ask him / her?

And, I did PM you, but didn't receive 'more info'.
Same here. Rolling Eyes

Likewise! Methinks it was all in jest Laughing

If anyone actually gets a response (as unlikely as that looks to be), let us know!

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