
BBC1 Balloon (1997-2002)

Ident Music/Composer? (June 2007)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Hello everyone,

I have tried to find (without success) the music and composer of the idents in the Balloon Era.
If anyone has information/material (preferably in good quality) I would be very grateful.

Thank you,

Paul Clark
The composer was Phil Sawyer.

Being ident music, it has never actually been made available in its entirety, however some brief but good quality Stereo clips of video from a select few are available to view at this section of the Lambie-Nairn page which should take you straight to the video.

I'm afraid I can't help you for complete pieces of that quality; you can of course try contacting either the composer (if possible), the Beeb or Lambie-Nairn for further information -- but with regards to obtaining the actual material AFAIK it's not usually something they can help with.

251 days later

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I thought I'd share this Smile

(In case you wanted to listen to them on your iPod on the bus... Embarassed )
A former member
I think you work for the BBC Wink
Paul Clark
623058 posted:
I think you work for the BBC Wink

That's odd, I thought it was a mere rip from the Lambie-Nairn site MP4 that I myself linked to back whenever it first came to light Wink

Doesn't sound like a perfect copy either ; on my headphones I noticed a bit of compression artifacting that was never there originally - but nevermind, I'm sure you meant well! Smile
I know someone with the full set of idents and music, PM me and I will give you more info
Paul Clark posted:
That's odd, I thought it was a mere rip from the Lambie-Nairn site MP4 that I myself linked to back whenever it first came to light Wink

Breaking News - Sherlock has been found alive and well on TV Forum Rolling Eyes

Doesn't sound like a perfect copy either ; on my headphones I noticed a bit of compression artifacting that was never there originally - but nevermind, I'm sure you meant well! Smile

Well it actually isn't compression artifacting, so you're wrong. Wink
Paul Clark
Doesn't sound like a perfect copy either ; on my headphones I noticed a bit of compression artifacting that was never there originally - but nevermind, I'm sure you meant well! Smile

Well it actually isn't compression artifacting, so you're wrong. Wink

I'll be willing to bet I am - my player for straight audio could be enhancing the ranges of the original where such compression already exists, you never know!

Chie posted:
Paul Clark posted:
That's odd, I thought it was a mere rip from the Lambie-Nairn site MP4 that I myself linked to back whenever it first came to light Wink

Breaking News - Sherlock has been found alive and well on TV Forum Rolling Eyes

That was in response to the previous comment from 623058 - based on his remark, I figured it'd be helpful to clarify the origin for him, as it seems he was somewhat unaware - so it was never directed at your good self, I was simply trying to help him out.
As the beeb is publically funded, can you request ident music, video etc. and they would give it to you? Of course you would need to pay costs of postage.
A former member
should that not apply to ALL BBC music,

we prove for the BBC so we own them, so we can get the music.

I but if someone took them to court there could win,
Paul Clark
SOL posted:
As the beeb is publically funded, can you request ident music, video etc. and they would give it to you? Of course you would need to pay costs of postage.

I believe they can't really fulfill individual requests for such media; however an alternative could be to enquire about the possibility of the content being uploaded to a section of the Beeb's website, much like we have seen with recent idents.
Paul Clark posted:
SOL posted:
As the beeb is publically funded, can you request ident music, video etc. and they would give it to you? Of course you would need to pay costs of postage.

I believe they can't really fulfill individual requests for such media; however an alternative could be to enquire about the possibility of the content being uploaded to a section of the Beeb's website, much like we have seen with recent idents.

Even that would be ideal, so that the old balloon music can live on Very Happy

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