
BBC News Opening 2004 to 2007

Graphics design title (October 2017)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Hello everyone I just would like if somebody knows the name of agency which create the opening title for the BBC News in 2004, the explosion of the globe red.

I find very nothing on infirmation on the this title ... Sad

Please , thank yo auto to have take the time to read my message
Bail Moderator
That era was all done in house at the BBC rather than by an external agency.
Thin then I would never know how was created the red ring expension Sad with After Effects

Thank's a lot Bail Smile
Mike W
I think they used a lot of 3D stuff and some custom stuff written for Linux to generate the 'headline text' on N24.
I think I once came across the website of the person at the BBC that designed those title sequences. Would love to find that again.

I assume 2007's update was also in-house?

26 days later

I'm quite curious on where that design comes from. Especially the shapes of the red stripes around the globe. Does it mean something?
I think that this title is symbolic , the creation of a news planet, new words, every events change the world, and build a new step, a new world, maybe ... It is my mind, what do you think ?
For me it is the creation, the beginning , new step every headlines, bulletin
Bail Moderator
I can't say I was ever a fan of those titles, but I did like the animated reveal they used towards the end of its life.

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