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The Ident Gallery : Presentation to Watch

Latest: Really and Quest (January 2010)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
A former member
Film4 - Film Fear 2016


Film4 becomes 'Film Fear' for Hallowe'en.
A former member
Thinking about things, as one does, I realised that my site's branding is now older than...

BBC Alba
BBC News
BBC Parliament
Channel 5

... then I gave up.
A former member
Is this a hint your going to rebrand quicker than bbc 1 😝
tesandco Founding member
In these sorts of situations its best to think of the sort of response people give when talks of how long BBC One have been using their current branding, or how making UTV just the same as ITV will lose them millions of viewers. Whilst it's always nice to have xyz look to the surrounding brand, the reality is people will continue watching as long as the content they want is there. I firmly believe the same applies to people looking at pres sites too - as long as the design itself remains functional, the content of the site is much more important to people.

Indeed you can just look at one of the most common places people go to find presentation content now, namely Youtube. The Youtube site visual design still looks like a turd that's been through a blender before being thrown against a wall and has changed little for the past decade - but it's massively popular because there's such a massive amount of content there.

(Yes, I realise these views probably aren't the most popular in a community dedicated to branding and presentation... but they're realistic! Razz)

69 days later

A former member
Sony Movie Channel - 2017 Presentation


Coverage of Sony Movie Channel's new look as it launches on Freeview.

124 days later

A former member
If anybody has ever wondered, here's a little look behind what goes into publishing a page in the gallery... (My typing is painful to watch though!)

rob Founding member
Fascinating insight. I take it that's a custom-made CMS you're using. I've always wanted to build one myself, but I don't have the know-how. Smile
A former member
It is, yes. I taught myself PHP (and how to use MySQL), having experimented in the past with SHTML, SSI, C++ and Perl, and used it to create my own CMS software. Before, everything was edited by hand in individual text files, copying and pasting image and video filenames, working out durations and filesizes. Now it's mostly point and click. The only time I hand-edit the config files is when creating a new page or making minor edits seen right at the beginning.

It makes life a little easier, but as the code is a few years old now and really quite badly written (I'm no expert at it, after all) I daren't make any changes for fearing of breaking it completely. When my old webserver software was no longer supported and I installed the new Windows 10 with the latest Apache, MySQL and PHP releases and found that none of it worked - I was somewhat in despair. I finally got there though and don't want to got through it again!
Last edited by A former member on 13 May 2017 5:54pm
Fascinating insight Andrew! Your work on The Ident Gallery is much appreciated by myself (as is Rob and 623058's work on TV Live).
Warbler, Critique and rob gave kudos
A former member
I dont envy you one bit, I couldn't stand those coding platforms when i was at college, and the thought of trying to keep everything up to date gives me a chill. You may be no expert but you still far better than a few good people in my class if thats what you can create! Mind you dealing with code is what pushes alot of people in to hardware ; )

Just to ask what is your most popular page?
rob Founding member
I've used Wordpress to run TV Live for a good few years now, in recent months I've made it easier to update the site content with the use of shortcodes and so on, but I'm always looking for new ways to simplify things.

Thanks for the kind words as well Phil.
A former member
For the first four months of the year, it has been the first page of BBC ONE's 2017 idents:, whereas for the whole of 2016 it was the BBC TWO 2015 idents page:

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