Mass Media & Technology

New logo for Microsoft - First within 25 years

Dispatched with a bit of colour (August 2012)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
This new image for the company will be put onto new microsoft windows 8 and windows phone products in due course.

The square located beside is a very clever idea IMO. The font on it looks so much neater.
A former member

That's the official Microsoft video - anyone know the name of the song?
I hate it... but then i hate everything about Microdaft and Windoze so i'm perhaps biased?
bilky asko
I hate it... but then i hate everything about Microdaft and Windoze so i'm perhaps biased?

Yes, you are.

I think Microsoft were in need of a rebrand. The keyboard and mouse set I'm typing on - the exact same one used in N6 - are rather blighted by the outdated Microsoft logo adorning the two pieces. It renders well in all sizes, and gives Microsoft, as a company, its own symbol. They can afford to do it simply because of the lack of public affinity with the old logo.

Each subdivision of Microsoft is ending up with a monochromatic symbol, so having a simple, multicolour, symbol for the company ties everything together. Considering so much of Microsoft's aesthetic is leaning towards tiles, it's unsurprising that the company's symbol should comprise tiles.

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