Toshiba TV's with inbuilt Fire TV Is this the next stage of cord cuting? Just saw this and would like opinions on whether it will make a mark on Apple TV and Chromecast? By Ne1L C 0 replies 111 views NL 7 SepNe1L C
Playing TV on Fire TV from network server it doesn't allow Python add-ons, but binary add-ons such as the PVR ones are fine. By djh 5 replies 253 views NG 9 Sep - 10 Sepnoggin
Is the Sky Q box worth it? Yeah same here and you couldn't record Pages From Ceefax either during BBC2's downtime either so that had to be a manual record too. 123 By aerolyto 29 replies 2,789 views RU 9 Sep - 6 Octrussty_russ
BBC defeats streaming lag To be demonstrated at IBC 2018 To the best of my knowledge you still need to receive an entire GOP (Group Of Pictures) for either MPEG2 (SD) or MPEG4 (HD, one or two SD channels) before you can start showing video. For MPEG2 that's... 12 By bilky asko 17 replies 857 views DA 13 Sep - 16 Sepdavidhorman
Emley Moor - Transmitter BBC TWO - Monkman and Seagull. Emley Moor Transmitter was featured in the new Monkman and Seagull series last night. Brief but worth a look. Some Jodrell Bank too. By DVB Cornwall 0 replies 234 views DV 18 SepDVB Cornwall