Best practice video capturing from VHS Advice on getting the best results -vf 'w3fdif=complex:all,scale=1280:720' would probably do the job in ffmpeg for native 50Hz content (that does a deinterlace and then feeds that result of the deinterlace into the scale). There are... 123 By Spencer 32 replies 2,731 views NG 15 Aug - 30 Sepnoggin
Netflix Barker Channel on BTTV I noticed this, it seems to be a repetitious advert for current programmes and films on the platform. I wonder if its part of renegotiations to increase people's use of the app through the YouView... By DVB Cornwall 1 reply 365 views FA 25 Aug - 26 Augfanoftv
Virgin Media Tivo - schedule problems. Not sure I follow about 'schedules are so different'? Surely each channel has its own schedule? Every channel has a different schedule doesn't it? The schedule is the schedule? The content of... By BM11 10 replies 1,076 views NG 27 Aug - 19 Sepnoggin
Extra TV Need advice on a new tv set up Best things about the Shield. Smooth streaming, ITV Hub supports the subscription service, so have ad free content, since Oreo I can add external storage to store apps which meant the 16GB... 12 By bazzeruk1 22 replies 605 views LL 31 Aug - 8 SepLondon Lite