Yikes, this one really got me!
This site feels like an engrained part of my psyche - my soul, even - and it feels like something very momentous is happening inside myself in tandem with this ending. It's sort of got me feeling all spiritual - dare I say, considering the "oneness" of all - this forum has been both a part of me and a reflection of myself since I was literally a kid.
I'm 30 now, life still rumbles on, and I still keep obsessing over logos, typefaces, idents, presentation when I get a minute while the rest of my life swirls and dances. Recent times have felt like the hardest of all; loved ones passing away, the bittersweet end of a two year relationship with an amazing therapist, a breakup last month - it's felt like I'm losing everything at times. Today, reading this, it felt like another domino fell.
But I know every storm passes. Humans survive, endure, evolve. There is some divine order at play here, something beautiful, even if we can't quite figure it out or understand it yet. We will one day...
This community spoke to my authentic self in a way that is so profound. It spoke to a deeper part of me that I've always loved. The people here have been like a distant family (and at times in the olden days, bitter enemies) and even if I've spent a lot of my time lurking, I've always been here. Checking in. Typing 'tvf' into my address bar out of habit.
All the characters you keep track of, all the personalities and opinions and fierceness. I've followed you all, I've loved you all.
All a bit schmaltzy, but f*ck it. I'd rather my cheeks burned for a few moments and I spoke from the bottom my heart, than not expressing the depth of my feeling at all.
Thank you so very much for shaping me, Asa, and thank you to everyone.