Previously, 21 Søndag completely shared graphics with the standard news bulletins ( TV Avisen ). The new look was specifically launched to distinguish the programme from the news - with story graphics drawing inspiration from magazine covers. While the programme still comes from the main news studio, there's now a green screen off to the side, which provides the home base for 21 Søndag . (The first few weeks, there was quite a noticeable green tint to the presenter! But it looks like that's mostly been fixed up now.)
In other developments: last week, DR's daytime and breaking news bulletins received a new look - tying them in more closely with TV Avisen . They're now using a refreshed secondary set (see tweet below), which mimics the look of the main studio for TV Avisen . There are also new titles, using the same music as the flagship evening broadcasts.
International News Presentation: Past and Present
One last new look to feature.
Denmark's DR1 back in January introduced a new look for their Sunday current affairs programme, 21 Søndag.
As for TV Avisen, the intro and set is the same, just new graphics featuring the new DR Publik corporate type were introduced recently.
Denmark's DR1 back in January introduced a new look for their Sunday current affairs programme, 21 Søndag.
As for TV Avisen, the intro and set is the same, just new graphics featuring the new DR Publik corporate type were introduced recently.
Previously, 21 Søndag completely shared graphics with the standard news bulletins ( TV Avisen ). The new look was specifically launched to distinguish the programme from the news - with story graphics drawing inspiration from magazine covers. While the programme still comes from the main news studio, there's now a green screen off to the side, which provides the home base for 21 Søndag . (The first few weeks, there was quite a noticeable green tint to the presenter! But it looks like that's mostly been fixed up now.)
In other developments: last week, DR's daytime and breaking news bulletins received a new look - tying them in more closely with TV Avisen . They're now using a refreshed secondary set (see tweet below), which mimics the look of the main studio for TV Avisen . There are also new titles, using the same music as the flagship evening broadcasts.
I morgen tidlig tænder vi lamperne i TV Avisen Morgens nye studie, som fremover også skal bruges til breaking- og liveudsendelser. Samtidig får alle TV Aviserne ny grafikpakke (navne, steder osv.) Gode folk har knoklet længe - og vi glæder os til at vise jer alle vores nye look.
— Benjamin Gregersen (@Benjaminmgb) March 21, 2021