A member since 23 November 2019

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Final post


…and finally

As my last post, I would like to say that I always preferred the Digital Spy forum. (only joking... it's actually Cook'd and Bomb'd) Smile

Seriously, thanks for everything, folks

Highest kudoed post


BBC One Christmas idents 2020

Well, the Gruffalo Child's ident may be a throwback to 2011, but I have to agree it was nice and heart-warming.

These aren't bad, and nice to see Magic Light's work being appreciated and celebrated with the honour of the whole package. Certainly we could have got far worse. My main bugbear is that with the placement of the logo I just feel like I'm watching trailers or clips from programmes as opposed to idents. Then again, that's less a problem with these idents and more an issue with BBC One's wider identity, which after 14 years could do with a complete revamp...