Greetings, forum people.
This is my first gallery post, and while it's not a proper "mock", per say - as you've probably read the title, it's a neat little compilation of ideas and experiments I've done with British TV.
Most of these are probably larceny, anyways.
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Firstly, the Beeb section.
This little gem takes after a similar concept a friend of mine did.
Consisting of simply the BBC letters in Reith, but with a tri-colored triple "square-dot" in the bowl of the C, harking to the colors of the 1988 logo.
CBBC and CBeebies have been left alone, apart from adding the "new" Beeb logo underneath CBeebies.
It also includes an idea for renaming iPlayer - "BBC Play".
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This takes a less radical approach, and it can be best described as a combination of the original "Gill Sans" rebrand in 1997 - as that was the main idea here, and the previous images.
"BBC Play" makes an appearance as well...
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Now comes a real hum-dinger that I'm probably going to get strangled for
[the image was grabbed off of my twitter, so apologies for lack of transparency and quality]
It was supposed to be inspired by that of franceā¢tv's look - but then it went somewhere else.
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Here's a couple of endboard designs.
The idea being if BBC Three returned as a linear channel.... and if that happened, it probably wouldn't look like these, that's for sure.
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More twitter images, yippee...
This one was made a while back, actually.
This was actually an interesting experiment - and while it's most likely that the Beeb wouldn't do this - like,
at all
- it was still interesting to take on.
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Advisory - most of my ideas consist of American TV - so there might not be much here. Just a heads up.
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We now move into the Sky section.
To kick it off - something simple, yet curious.
What if Sky Movies kept their name and lived on to adopt the recent channel logo style?
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Aligning Pick and Challenge a bit more on the Sky side.
I realize this was done before by other mockers, but I wanted to give my own take on it.
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This one was merely done for fun - Imagine their older defunct channels, but with more recent looks.
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And now, an exercise in unity.
[apologies for low quality, varying image sizes and "black block" logo grabs in advance]
The idea was, as you can see, to unify the entirety of Sky's brands using the channel logo system.
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There's a story behind this one - I was looking through Google Images, one in particular cropped the Sky logo as seen here, and I thought - "Hey... Maybe that could be a thing."
And thus, the idea was made.
Utilizing the more recent "Headline" cut of the Sky typeface...
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This is the end of the Gallery post.
The whole initiative behind this was that I just wanted to show off a bunch of my ideas, and see what the people thought of them.
If the idea of a Gallery post showing off ideas and not a proper mock is frowned upon, just say so.
I hope you enjoyed.